IEC-62541-5 Historical Revision Information
OPC Unified Architecture - Part 5: Information Model

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IEC 62541-5.2015 defines the Information Model of the OPC Unified Architecture. The Information Model describes standardised Nodes of a Server's AddressSpace. These Nodes are standardised types as well as standardised instances used for diagnostics or as entry points to server-specific Nodes. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2011 and constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following changes:
- Defined ProgressEventType;
- Defined DataType called BitFieldMaskDataType;
- Delete Property SamplingRateCount in ServerDiagnosticSummaryDataType;
- Added the Property "EffectiveTransitionTime" to TransitionVariableType;
- Introduced VariableType OptionSetType;
- Added a new EventType called SystemStatusChangeEventType;
- Added properties to ServerCapabilitiesType. Added an object for operation limits. Added type OperationLimitsType containing that information;
- Added SecureChannelId to AuditActivateSessionEventType;
- Added normative Annex C defining FileType and Methods;
- Added a Method GetMonitoredItems on ServerType;
- Removed the concept of ModelParent. Added meta data for namespaces in ServerType and created types for managing that. Added representations for ModellingRules OptionalPlaceholder and MandatoryPlaceholder;
- Added new types NonTransparentNetworkRedundancyType, NetworkGroupDataType and EndpointUrlListDataType.

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Document Number

IEC 62541-5 Ed. 2.0 b:2015

Revision Level




Publication Date

March 25, 2015

Committee Number
