ISO-4180 Historical Revision Information
Packaging - Complete, filled transport packages - General rules for the compilation of performance test schedules

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ISO 4180:2009 establishes general rules to be used for the compilation of performance test schedules for complete, filled transport packages intended for use within any distribution system except for the packages used for dangerous goods.

For a known distribution environment with experimental data available (case 1), ISO 4180:2009 provides guide lines for the compilation of appropriate test schedules.

For an unknown distribution environment (case 2), ISO 4180:2009 provides test schedules in dependence of the test specimen mass and forecast destination.

ISO 4180:2009 also gives the factors to be considered in assessing the criteria of acceptance of such packages after they have been subjected to a package performance test schedule.


To find similar documents by classification:

55.180.40 (Complete, filled transport packages Including reusable packages and unit loads)

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Document Number

ISO 4180:2009

Revision Level




Publication Date

Feb. 15, 2009

Committee Number

ISO/TC 122/SC 3