SIS-ISO/TS-14198 Road vehicles — Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems — Calibration tasks for methods which assess driver demand due to the use of in-vehicle systems (ISO/TS 14198:2019)


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This document provides procedures that can be used as a secondary task in a dual task setting to determine whether that evaluation setting is standardized and valid for purposes of assessing driver attentional demand due to the use of an in-vehicle system. This document does not define calibration procedures for other evaluation activities that a laboratory might undertake. This document provides guidance on selecting a calibration task given a specific primary task. The primary tasks of interest include those that would be used in the evaluation of attentional demand. Such primary tasks are defined in other documents. The description of a calibration task includes its application, experimental setup, data collection, and procedures for analysis of results. The purpose of this document is not to define a reference criterion as to whether a given secondary task is suitable for use while driving. Although specific settings of parameters of a calibration task might be used to realize such a predefined pass/fail criterion, this document does not provide such a criterion for a given level of attentional demand.

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Designation Name

SIS-ISO/TS 14198:2021

Revision Level




Publication Date

Sept. 28, 2021



Page Count