SS-EN-1013 Light transmitting single skin profiled plastics sheets for internal and external roofs, walls and ceilings - Requirements and test methods

SS-EN-1013 - 2012/A1 EDITION - CURRENT
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This European Standard specifies the requirements for light transmitting single skin profiled plastics sheets for internal and external walls, roofs and ceilings. It is applicable to single skin sheets which are used as a single layer or when assembled to form a multiple layer construction. It also specifies the test methods and provides for the evaluation of conformity and marking of the sheets.

To find similar documents by classification:

83.140.10 (Films and sheets Including plates)

91.060.01 (Elements of buildings in general)

91.060.20 (Roofs Including related elements (gutters, etc.))

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Designation Name

SS-EN 1013:2012+A1:2014

Revision Level




Publication Date

Dec. 8, 2014



Page Count


International Equivalent

EN 1013:2012+A1:2014(IDT)