STG-TR-106 Miljöledning - Exempel på utvärdering av miljöprestanda (ISO/TR 142032:1999)

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This Technical Report provides examples of EPE that represent a range of applications from simple to elaborate. They also represent a range of organizations (e.g., manufacturing and service companies; non-governmental organizations; government agencies; small, medium and large enterprises; organizations with and without certified environmental management systems) and geographic locations. IMPORTANT - The examples in this report are included only because they illustrate the use of EPE. Value judgements in these examples related to the relative environmental benefits of one material over another, one process over another, or one product over another, reflect decisions made specifically by the management of the organizations in the examples. No endorsement is given by ISO/TC 207/SC 4 to those decisions, to the scientific data used, or to their conformity with other ISO standards. No endorsement is given by ISO/TC 207/SC 4 to any organization or any organization's products or services. No organization's particular application of the guidance in ISO 14031 is recommended because the management of each organization has selected the application most suited to its needs. No endorsement is given by ISO/TC 207/SC 4 to the choices made by individual organizations or to the relative merits of these different applications of EPE.

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Designation Name

STG TR 106

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Publication Date

Feb. 15, 2000



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