12.01: Nuclear Energy (I)
ASTM International (formerly the American Society for Testing and Materials) has published a complete collection of their standards for some time. This collection is divided into Sections and Volumes by subject classification for increased useability.
Return to Section Index
The following documents are a part of this series:
- ASTM-C1000 - Standard Test Method for Radiochemical Determination of Uranium Isotopes in Soil by Alpha Spectrometry
- ASTM-C1001 - Standard Test Method for Radiochemical Determination of Plutonium in Soil by Alpha Spectroscopy
- ASTM-C1004 - Matrix for LWR Spent Fuel Receiving and Storage (Withdrawn 1999)
- ASTM-C1008 - Standard Specification for Sintered (Uranium-Plutonium) Dioxide
Pellets—Fast Reactor Fuel (Withdrawn 2014) - ASTM-C1009 - Standard Guide for Establishing and Maintaining a Quality Assurance Program for Analytical Laboratories Within the Nuclear Industry
- ASTM-C1010 - Standard Guide for Acceptance, Checkout, and Pre-Operational Testing of a Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Facility (Withdrawn 2001)
- ASTM-C1011 - Standard Guide for Selection or Specification of Electrodeless Conductivity Instruments for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
- ASTM-C1020 - Matrix for Light Water Reactor Fuel Reprocessing (Withdrawn 1999)
- ASTM-C1022 - Standard Test Methods for Chemical and Atomic Absorption Analysis of Uranium-Ore Concentrate
- ASTM-C1030 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Plutonium Isotopic Composition by Gamma-Ray Spectrometry
- ASTM-C1031 - Standard Specification for Nuclear-Grade Aluminum Oxide Powder
- ASTM-C1051 - Standard Specification for Sodium (Na) as a Coolant for Liquid Metal-Cooled Reactors (Withdrawn 2000)
- ASTM-C1052 - Standard Practice for Bulk Sampling of Liquid Uranium Hexafluoride
- ASTM-C1062 - Standard Guide for Design, Fabrication, and Installation of Nuclear Fuel Dissolution Facilities
- ASTM-C1065 - Standard Specification for Nuclear-Grade Zirconium Oxide Powder
- ASTM-C1066 - Standard Specification for Nuclear Grade Zirconium Oxide Pellets
- ASTM-C1068 - Standard Guide for Qualification of Measurement Methods by a Laboratory Within the Nuclear Industry
- ASTM-C1075 - Standard Practices for Sampling Uranium-Ore Concentrate
- ASTM-C1076 - Standard Specification for Nuclear Grade Hafnium Oxide Pellets
- ASTM-C1098 - Standard Specification for Nuclear-Grade Hafnium Oxide Powder
- ASTM-C1108 - Standard Test Method for Plutonium by Controlled-Potential Coulometry
- ASTM-C1109 - Standard Practice for Analysis of Aqueous Leachates from Nuclear Waste Materials Using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
- ASTM-C1110 - Standard Practice for Sample Preparation for X-Ray Emission Spectrometric Analysis of Uranium in Ores Using the Glass Fusion or Pressed Powder Method (Withdrawn 2014)
- ASTM-C1111 - Standard Test Method for Determining Elements in Waste Streams by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
- ASTM-C1112 - Standard Guide for Application of Radiation Monitors to the Control and Physical Security of Special Nuclear Material (Withdrawn 2014)
- ASTM-C1118 - Standard Guide for Selecting Components for Wavelength-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Systems (Withdrawn 2011)
- ASTM-C1128 - Standard Guide for Preparation of Working Reference Materials for Use in Analysis of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Materials
- ASTM-C1133 - Standard Test Method for Nondestructive Assay of Special Nuclear Material in Low-Density Scrap and Waste by Segmented Passive Gamma-Ray Scanning
- ASTM-C1143 - Standard Specification for Helium for Use as a Cover Gas for Liquid Sodium (Withdrawn 2000)
- ASTM-C1144 - Standard Test Method for Splitting Tensile Strength for Brittle Nuclear Waste Forms (Withdrawn 2018)
- ASTM-C1156 - Standard Guide for Establishing Calibration for a Measurement Method Used to Analyze Nuclear Fuel Cycle Materials
- ASTM-C1163 - Standard Practice for Mounting Actinides for Alpha Spectrometry Using Neodymium Fluoride
- ASTM-C1165 - Standard Test Method for Determining Plutonium by Controlled-Potential Coulometry in H
2 SO4 at a Platinum Working Electrode - ASTM-C1168 - Standard Practice for Preparation and Dissolution of Plutonium Materials for Analysis
- ASTM-C1169 - Standard Guide for Laboratory Evaluation of Automatic Pedestrian SNM Monitor Performance (Withdrawn 2021)
- ASTM-C1174 - Standard Guide for Evaluation of Long-Term Behavior of Materials Used in Engineered Barrier Systems (EBS) for Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste
- ASTM-C1187 - Standard Guide for Establishing Surveillance Test Program for Boron-based Neutron Absorbing Material Systems for Use in Nuclear Fuel Storage Racks in Pool Environment
- ASTM-C1188 - Standard Guide for Establishing a Quality Assurance Program for Uranium Conversion Facilities (Withdrawn 2017)
- ASTM-C1189 - Standard Guide to Procedures for Calibrating Automatic Pedestrian SNM Monitors
- ASTM-C1204 - Standard Test Method for Uranium in Presence of Plutonium by Iron(II) Reduction in Phosphoric Acid Followed by Chromium(VI) Titration
- ASTM-C1205 - Standard Test Method for The Radiochemical Determination of Americium-241 in Soil by Alpha Spectrometry
- ASTM-C1206 - Standard Test Method for Plutonium by Iron (II)/Chromium (VI) Amperometric Titration (Withdrawn 2015)
- ASTM-C1207 - Standard Test Method for Nondestructive Assay of Plutonium in Scrap and Waste by Passive Neutron Coincidence Counting
- ASTM-C1210 - Standard Guide for Establishing a Measurement System Quality Control Program for Analytical Chemistry Laboratories Within the Nuclear Industry
- ASTM-C1215 - Standard Guide for Preparing and Interpreting Precision and Bias Statements in Test Method Standards Used in the Nuclear Industry
- ASTM-C1217 - Standard Guide for Design of Equipment for Processing Nuclear and Radioactive Materials
- ASTM-C1219 - Standard Test Methods for Arsenic in Uranium Hexafluoride (Withdrawn 2015)
- ASTM-C1220 - Standard Test Method for Static Leaching of Monolithic Waste Forms for Disposal of Radioactive Waste
- ASTM-C1221 - Standard Test Method for Nondestructive Analysis of Special Nuclear Materials in Homogeneous Solutions by Gamma-Ray Spectrometry
- ASTM-C1233 - Standard Practice for Determining Equivalent Boron Contents of Nuclear Materials
- ASTM-C1234 - Standard Practice for Preparation of Oils and Oily Waste Samples by High-Pressure, High-Temperature Digestion for Trace Element Determinations
- ASTM-C1235 - Standard Test Method for Plutonium by Titanium(III)/Cerium(IV) Titration (Withdrawn 2005)
- ASTM-C1236 - Standard Guide for In-Plant Performance Evaluation of Automatic Vehicle SNM Monitors (Withdrawn 2014)
- ASTM-C1237 - Standard Guide to In-Plant Performance Evaluation of Hand-Held SNM Monitors (Withdrawn 2014)
- ASTM-C1238 - Standard Guide for Installation of Walk-Through Metal Detectors
- ASTM-C1254 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Uranium in Mineral Acids by X-Ray Fluorescence
- ASTM-C1255 - Standard Test Method for Analysis of Uranium and Thorium in Soils by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- ASTM-C1267 - Standard Test Method for Uranium by Iron (II) Reduction in Phosphoric Acid Followed by Chromium (VI) Titration in the Presence of Vanadium
- ASTM-C1268 - Standard Test Method for Quantitative Determination of 241Am in Plutonium by Gamma-Ray Spectrometry
- ASTM-C1269 - Standard Practice for Adjusting the Operational Sensitivity Setting of In-Plant Walk-Through Metal Detectors
- ASTM-C1270 - Standard Practice for Detection Sensitivity Mapping of In-Plant Walk-Through
Metal Detectors - ASTM-C1284 - Standard Practice for Electrodeposition of the Actinides for Alpha Spectrometry
- ASTM-C1285 - Standard Test Methods for Determining Chemical Durability of Nuclear, Hazardous, and Mixed Waste Glasses and Multiphase Glass Ceramics: The Product Consistency Test (PCT)
- ASTM-C1287 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Impurities in Nuclear Grade Uranium Compounds by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
- ASTM-C1295 - Standard Test Method for Gamma Energy Emission from Fission and Decay Products in Uranium Hexafluoride and Uranyl Nitrate Solution
- ASTM-C1296 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Sulfur in Uranium Oxides and Uranyl Nitrate Solutions by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) (Withdrawn 2007)
- ASTM-C1297 - Standard Guide for Qualification of Laboratory Analysts for the Analysis of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Materials
- ASTM-C1307 - Standard Test Method for Plutonium Assay by Plutonium (III) Diode Array Spectrophotometry
- ASTM-C1308 - Standard Test Method for Accelerated Leach Test for Measuring Contaminant Releases From Solidified Waste
- ASTM-C1309 - Standard Practice for Performance Evaluation of In-Plant Walk-Through Metal Detectors
- ASTM-C1310 - Standard Test Method for Determining Radionuclides in Soils by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry Using Flow Injection Preconcentration (Withdrawn 2011)
- ASTM-C1316 - Standard Test Method for Nondestructive Assay of Nuclear Material in Scrap and Waste by Passive-Active Neutron Counting Using 252Cf Shuffler
- ASTM-C1317 - Standard Practice for Dissolution of Silicate or Acid-Resistant Matrix Samples (Withdrawn 2001)
- ASTM-C1334 - Standard Specification for Uranium Oxides with a 235U Content of Less Than 5 % for Dissolution Prior to Conversion to Nuclear-Grade Uranium Dioxide
- ASTM-C1342 - Standard Practice for Flux Fusion Sample Distribution (Withdrawn 2001)
- ASTM-C1343 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Low Concentrations of Uranium in Oils and Organic Liquids by X-ray Fluorescence
- ASTM-C1344 - Standard Test Method for Isotopic Analysis of Uranium Hexafluoride by Single-Standard Gas Source Mass Spectrometer Method (Withdrawn 2020)
- ASTM-C1345 - Standard Test Method for Analysis of Total and Isotopic Uranium and Total Thorium in Soils by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (Withdrawn 2015)
- ASTM-C1346 - Standard Practice for Dissolution of UF
6 from P-10 Tubes - ASTM-C1347 - Standard Practice for Preparation and Dissolution of Uranium Materials for Analysis
- ASTM-C1348 - Standard Specification for Blended Uranium Oxides with 235U Content of Less Than 5 % for Direct Hydrogen Reduction to Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxide (Withdrawn 2013)
- ASTM-C1379 - Standard Test Method for Analysis of Urine for Uranium-235 and Uranium-238 Isotopes by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (Withdrawn 2017)
- ASTM-C1380 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Uranium Content and Isotopic Composition by Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry (Withdrawn 2018)
- ASTM-C1387 - Standard Guide for the Determination of Technetium-99 in Soil
- ASTM-C1402 - Standard Guide for High-Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectrometry of Soil Samples
- ASTM-C1408 - Standard Test Method for Carbon (Total) in Uranium Oxide Powders and Pellets By Direct Combustion-Infrared Detection Method
- ASTM-C1411 - Standard Practice for The Ion Exchange Separation of Uranium and Plutonium Prior to Isotopic Analysis
- ASTM-C1412 - Standard Practice for Microwave Oven Dissolution of Glass Containing Radioactive and Mixed Wastes (Withdrawn 2001)
- ASTM-C1413 - Standard Test Method for Isotopic Analysis of Hydrolyzed Uranium Hexafluoride and Uranyl Nitrate Solutions by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
- ASTM-C1414 - Standard Practice for The Separation of Americium from Plutonium by Ion Exchange (Withdrawn 2020)
- ASTM-C1415 - Standard Test Method for 238Pu Isotopic Abundance By Alpha Spectrometry
- ASTM-C1416 - Standard Test Method for Uranium Analysis in Natural and Waste Water by X-Ray Fluorescence (Withdrawn 2014)
- ASTM-C1428 - Standard Test Method for Isotopic Analysis of Uranium Hexafluoride by Single–Standard Gas Source Multiple Collector Mass Spectrometer Method
- ASTM-C1429 - Standard Test Method for Isotopic Analysis of Uranium Hexafluoride by Double-Standard Multi-Collector Gas Mass Spectrometer
- ASTM-C1430 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Uranium, Oxygen to Uranium (O/U), and Oxygen to Metal (O/M) in Sintered Uranium Dioxide and Gadolinia-Uranium Dioxide Pellets by Atmospheric Equilibration
- ASTM-C1431 - Standard Guide for Corrosion Testing of Aluminum-Based Spent Nuclear Fuel in Support of Repository Disposal
- ASTM-C1432 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Impurities in Plutonium: Acid Dissolution, Ion Exchange Matrix Separation, and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopic (ICP/AES) Analysis
- ASTM-C1441 - Standard Test Method for the Analysis of Refrigerant 114, Plus Other Carbon-Containing and Fluorine-Containing Compounds in Uranium Hexafluoride via Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy (Withdrawn 2022)
- ASTM-C1453 - Standard Test Method for the Determination of Uranium by Ignition and the Oxygen to Uranium (O/U) Atomic Ratio of Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxide Powders and Pellets
- ASTM-C1454 - Standard Guide for Pyrophoricity/Combustibility Testing in Support of Pyrophoricity Analyses of Metallic Uranium Spent Nuclear Fuel (Withdrawn 2016)
- ASTM-C1455 - Standard Test Method for Nondestructive Assay of Special Nuclear Material Holdup Using Gamma-Ray Spectroscopic Methods
- ASTM-C1456 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Uranium or Gadolinium (or both) in Gadolinium Oxide-Uranium Oxide Pellets or by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)
- ASTM-C1457 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Hydrogen Content of Uranium Oxide Powders and Pellets by Carrier Gas Extraction
- ASTM-C1458 - Standard Test Method for Nondestructive Assay of Plutonium, Tritium and 241Am by Calorimetric Assay
- ASTM-C1462 - Standard Specification for Uranium Metal Enriched to Less Than 20 % 235U
- ASTM-C1463 - Standard Practices for Dissolving Glass Containing Radioactive and Mixed Waste for Chemical and Radiochemical Analysis
- ASTM-C1473 - Standard Test Method for Radiochemical Determination of Uranium Isotopes in Urine by Alpha Spectrometry
- ASTM-C1474 - Standard Test Method for Analysis of Isotopic Composition of Uranium in Nuclear-Grade Fuel Material by Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
- ASTM-C1475 - Standard Guide for Determination of Neptunium-237 in Soil
- ASTM-C1476 - Standard Test Method for Analysis of Urine for Technetium-99 by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (Withdrawn 2011)
- ASTM-C1477 - Standard Test Method for Isotopic Abundance Analysis of Uranium Hexafluoride and Uranyl Nitrate Solutions by Multi-Collector, Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
- ASTM-C1490 - Standard Guide for the Selection, Training and Qualification of Nondestructive Assay (NDA) Personnel
- ASTM-C1493 - Standard Test Method for Non-Destructive Assay of Nuclear Material in Waste by Passive and Active Neutron Counting Using a Differential Die-Away System
- ASTM-C1500 - Standard Test Method for Nondestructive Assay of Plutonium by Passive Neutron Multiplicity Counting
- ASTM-C1502 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Chlorine and Fluorine in Uranium Dioxide and Gadolinium Oxide
- ASTM-C1507 - Standard Test Method for Radiochemical Determination of Strontium-90 in Soil
- ASTM-C1508 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Bromine and Chlorine in UF
6 and Uranyl Nitrate by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectroscopy - ASTM-C1514 - Standard Test Method for Measurement of 235U Fraction Using Enrichment Meter Principle
- ASTM-C1517 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Metallic Impurities in Uranium Metal or Compounds by DC-Arc Emission Spectroscopy
- ASTM-C1533 - Standard Guide for General Design Considerations for Hot Cell Equipment
- ASTM-C1539 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Technetium-99 in Uranium Hexafluoride by Liquid Scintillation Counting (Withdrawn 2022)
- ASTM-C1553 - Standard Guide for Drying of Spent Nuclear Fuel
- ASTM-C1554 - Standard Guide for Materials Handling Equipment for Hot Cells
- ASTM-C1561 - Standard Guide for Determination of Plutonium and Neptunium in Uranium Hexafluoride and U-Rich Matrix by Alpha Spectrometry
- ASTM-C1562 - Standard Guide for Evaluation of Materials Used in Extended Service of Interim Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage Systems
- ASTM-C1571 - Standard Guide for Characterization of Radioactive and/or Hazardous Wastes for Thermal Treatment (Withdrawn 2018)
- ASTM-C1572 - Standard Guide for Dry Lead Glass and Oil-Filled Lead Glass Radiation Shielding Window Components for Remotely Operated Facilities
- ASTM-C1590 - Standard Practice for Alternate Actinide Calibration for Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
- ASTM-C1592 - Standard Guide for Nondestructive Assay Measurements
- ASTM-C1614 - Standard Practice for the Determination of 237Np, 232Th, 235U and 238U in Urine by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and Gamma Ray Spectrometry. (Withdrawn 2015)
- ASTM-C1615 - Standard Guide for Mechanical Drive Systems for Remote Operation in Hot Cell Facilities
- ASTM-C1625 - Standard Test Method for Uranium and Plutonium Concentrations and Isotopic Abundances by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
- ASTM-C1636 - Standard Guide for Determination of Uranium-232 in Uranium Hexafluoride
- ASTM-C1637 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Impurities in Plutonium Materials—Acid Digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS) Analysis
- ASTM-C1638 - Standard Guide for the Determination of Iodine-129 In Uranium Oxide (Withdrawn 2021)
- ASTM-C1647 - Standard Practice for Removal of Uranium or Plutonium, or both, for Impurity Assay in Uranium or Plutonium Materials
- ASTM-C1661 - Standard Guide for Viewing Systems for Remotely Operated Facilities
- ASTM-C1662 - Standard Test Method for Measurement of the Dissolution Rate of Nuclear Waste Forms Using the Single-Pass Flow-Through Test Method
- ASTM-C1663 - Standard Test Method for Measuring Waste Glass or Glass Ceramic Durability by Vapor Hydration Test
- ASTM-C1671 - Standard Practice for Qualification and Acceptance of Boron Based Metallic Neutron Absorbers for Nuclear Criticality Control for Dry Cask Storage Systems and Transportation Packaging
- ASTM-C1672 - Standard Test Method for Determination of the Uranium, Plutonium or Americium Isotopic Composition or Concentration by the Total Evaporation Method Using a Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer
- ASTM-C1673 - Standard Terminology of C26.10 Nondestructive Assay Methods
- ASTM-C1682 - Standard Guide for Characterization of Spent Nuclear Fuel in Support of Interim Storage, Transportation and Geologic Repository Disposal
- ASTM-C1689 - Standard Practice for Subsampling of Uranium Hexafluoride
- ASTM-C1703 - Standard Practice for Sampling of Gaseous Uranium Hexafluoride for Enrichment
- ASTM-C1718 - Standard Test Method for Nondestructive Assay of Radioactive Material by Tomographic Gamma Scanning
- ASTM-C1720 - Standard Test Methods for Determining Liquidus Temperature of Waste Glasses and Simulated Waste Glasses
- ASTM-C1725 - Standard Guide for Hot Cell Specialized Support Equipment and Tools
- ASTM-C1726 - Standard Guide for Use of Modeling for Passive Gamma Measurements
- ASTM-C1733 - Standard Test Method for Distribution Coefficients of Inorganic Species by Batch Method
- ASTM-C1742 - Standard Test Method for Isotopic Analysis of Uranium Hexafluoride by Double Standard Single-Collector Gas Mass Spectrometer Method (Withdrawn 2023)
- ASTM-C1750 - Standard Guide for Development, Verification, Validation, and Documentation of Simulants for Hazardous Materials and Process Streams
- ASTM-C1751 - Standard Guide for Sampling Radioactive Tank Waste
- ASTM-C1752 - Standard Guide for Measuring Physical and Rheological Properties of Radioactive Solutions, Slurries, and Sludges
- ASTM-C1769 - Standard Practice for Analysis of Spent Nuclear Fuel to Determine Selected Isotopes and Estimate Fuel Burnup (Withdrawn 2023)
- ASTM-C1770 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Loose and Tapped Bulk Densities of Small Quantities of Plutonium Oxide
- ASTM-C1771 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Boron, Silicon, and Technetium in Hydrolyzed Uranium Hexafluoride by Inductively Coupled Plasma—Mass Spectrometer After Removal of Uranium by Solid Phase Extraction
- ASTM-C1807 - Standard Guide for Nondestructive Assay of Special Nuclear Material (SNM) Holdup Using Passive Neutron Measurement Methods
- ASTM-C1816 - Standard Practice for The Ion Exchange Separation of Small Volume Samples Containing Uranium, Americium, and Plutonium Prior to Isotopic Abundance and Content Analysis
- ASTM-C1817 - Standard Test Method for The Determination of the Oxygen to Metal (O/M) Ratio in Sintered Mixed Oxide ((U, Pu)O
2 ) Pellets by Gravimetry - ASTM-C1831 - Standard Guide for Gamma Radiation Shielding Performance Testing
- ASTM-C1832 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Uranium Isotopic Composition by Modified Total Evaporation (MTE) Method Using Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer
- ASTM-C1838 - Standard Practice for Cleaning for 1S and 2S Bottles
- ASTM-C1842 - Standard Test Method for The Analysis of Boron and Silicon in Uranium Hexfluoride via Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy
- ASTM-C1843 - Standard Test Method for Determining Moisture Content in Uranium-Ore Concentrate
- ASTM-C1844 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Uranium in Urine by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer Following Nitric Acid Dilution
- ASTM-C1845 - Standard Practice for The Separation of Lanthanide Elements from Uranium Matrices Using High Pressure Ion Chromatography (HPIC) for Isotopic Analyses by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
- ASTM-C1853 - Standard Test Method for The Determination of Carbon (Total) Content in Mixed Oxide ((U, Pu)O
2 ) Sintered Pellets by Direct Combustion-Infrared Detection Method - ASTM-C1854 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Hydrogen (total from all sources) in Mixed Oxide ((U, Pu)O
2 ) Sintered Pellets by the Inert Gas Fusion Technique Followed by Thermal Conductivity Measurement - ASTM-C1855 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Uranium and Plutonium Concentration in Aqueous Solutions Using Hybrid K-Edge Densitometry and X-Ray Fluorescence
- ASTM-C1865 - Standard Test Method for The Determination of Carbon and Sulfur Content in Plutonium Oxide Powder by the Direct Combustion-Infrared Spectrophotometer
- ASTM-C1868 - Standard Practice for Ceramographic Preparation of UO
2 and Mixed Oxide (U,Pu)O2 Pellets for Microstructural Analysis - ASTM-C1871 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Uranium Isotopic Composition by the Double Spike Method Using a Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer
- ASTM-C1883 - Standard Practice for Sampling of Gaseous Enriched Uranium Hexafluoride
- ASTM-C1907 - Standard Practice for Preparation of Plutonium Materials by Pyrohydrolysis for Determination of Fluoride, Chloride, or Both
- ASTM-C1909 - Standard Test Method for Moisture Analysis of Plutonium Dioxide (PuO
2 ) by Thermogravimetric Mass Spectrometry (TGA-MS) - ASTM-C1913 - Standard Practice for Sampling Gaseous Uranium Hexafluoride Using Zeolite in Single-Use Destructive Assay Sampler
- ASTM-C1926 - Standard Test Method for Measurement of Glass Dissolution Rate Using Stirred Dilute Reactor Conditions on Monolithic Samples
- ASTM-C1931 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Uranium Isotopic Composition by Gamma-Ray Spectrometry
- ASTM-C696 - Standard Test Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear-Grade Uranium Dioxide Powders and Pellets
- ASTM-C697 - Standard Test Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear-Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets
- ASTM-C698 - Standard Test Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear-Grade Mixed Oxides ((U, Pu)O
2 ) - ASTM-C699 - Method for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of, and Physical Tests on Beryllium Oxide Powder (Withdrawn 1992)
- ASTM-C708 - Standard Specification for Nuclear-Grade Beryllium Oxide Powder (Withdrawn 2024)
- ASTM-C750 - Standard Specification for Nuclear-Grade Boron Carbide Powder
- ASTM-C751 - Standard Specification for Nuclear-Grade Boron Carbide Pellets
- ASTM-C752 - Standard Specification for Nuclear-Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloy
- ASTM-C753 - Standard Specification for Nuclear-Grade, Sinterable Uranium Dioxide Powder
- ASTM-C757 - Standard Specification for Nuclear-Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powder for Light Water Reactors
- ASTM-C758 - Standard Test Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear, and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear-Grade Plutonium Metal
- ASTM-C759 - Standard Test Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear, and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear-Grade Plutonium Nitrate Solutions
- ASTM-C760 - Standard Test Methods for Chemical and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear-Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloys
- ASTM-C761 - Standard Test Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear, and Radiochemical Analysis of Uranium Hexafluoride
- ASTM-C776 - Standard Specification for Sintered Uranium Dioxide Pellets for Light Water Reactors
- ASTM-C784 - Standard Specification for Nuclear-Grade Aluminum Oxide-Boron Carbide Composite Pellets
- ASTM-C785 - Standard Specification for Nuclear-Grade Aluminum Oxide Pellets
- ASTM-C787 - Standard Specification for Uranium Hexafluoride for Enrichment
- ASTM-C788 - Standard Specification for Nuclear-Grade Uranyl Nitrate Solution or Crystals
- ASTM-C791 - Standard Test Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear-Grade Boron Carbide
- ASTM-C799 - Standard Test Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear, and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear-Grade Uranyl Nitrate Solutions
- ASTM-C809 - Standard Test Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear-Grade Aluminum Oxide and Aluminum
Oxide-Boron Carbide Composite Pellets - ASTM-C833 - Standard Specification for Sintered (Uranium-Plutonium) Dioxide Pellets for Light Water Reactors
- ASTM-C852 - Standard Guide for Design Criteria for Plutonium Gloveboxes
- ASTM-C853 - Test Method for Nondestructive Assay of Special Nuclear Material Contained in Scrap and Waste (Withdrawn 1992)
- ASTM-C859 - Standard Terminology Relating to Nuclear Materials
- ASTM-C888 - Standard Specification for Nuclear-Grade Gadolinium Oxide (Gd
2 O3 ) Powder - ASTM-C889 - Standard Test Methods for Chemical and Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Nuclear-Grade Gadolinium Oxide (Gd
2 O3 ) Powder - ASTM-C922 - Standard Specification for Sintered Gadolinium Oxide-Uranium Dioxide Pellets
- ASTM-C934 - Guide for Design and Quality Assurance Practices for Nuclear Fuel Rods (Withdrawn 1995)
- ASTM-C967 - Standard Specification for Uranium Ore Concentrate
- ASTM-C968 - Standard Test Methods for Analysis of Sintered Gadolinium Oxide-Uranium Dioxide Pellets
- ASTM-C970 - Standard Practice for Sampling Special Nuclear Materials in Multi-Container Lots (Withdrawn 2012)
- ASTM-C982 - Standard Guide for Selecting Components for Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Systems (Withdrawn 2008)
- ASTM-C983 - Test Methods for Chemical and Instrumental Analysis of Metallic Core Components in Liquid Metal Fast-Breeder Reactors (LMFBR) (Withdrawn 1996)
- ASTM-C986 - Standard Guide for Developing Training Programs in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle (Withdrawn 2001)
- ASTM-C992 - Standard Specification for Boron-Based Neutron Absorbing Material Systems for Use in Nuclear Fuel Storage Racks in a Pool Environment
- ASTM-C993 - Standard Guide for In-Plant Performance Evaluation of Automatic Pedestrian SNM Monitors (Withdrawn 2021)
- ASTM-C994 - Method for Ceramographic Preparation of PUO -UO Mixed Oxide Fuel Pellets and Uranium Pellets (Withdrawn 1991)
- ASTM-C996 - Standard Specification for Uranium Hexafluoride Enriched to Less Than 5 % 235U
- ASTM-C997 - Test Methods for Chemical and Instrumental Analysis of Nuclear-Grade Sodium and Cover Gas (Withdrawn 1999)
- ASTM-C998 - Standard Practice for Sampling Surface Soil for Radionuclides
- ASTM-C999 - Standard Practice for Soil Sample Preparation for the Determination of Radionuclides
- ASTM-D2032 - Specification for Deuterium Oxide
- ASTM-D2033 - Method of Test for Consumption of Potassium Permanganate by Impurities in Deuterium Oxide (Withdrawn 1986)
- ASTM-D2038 - Test for Radioactive Barium in Water (Withdrawn 1987)
- ASTM-D2039 - Method of Test for Radioactive Manganese in Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water (Withdrawn 1987)
- ASTM-D2184 - Methods of Testing Deuterium Oxide (Withdrawn 1986)
- ASTM-D2459 - Standard Test Method for Gamma Spectrometry of Water
- ASTM-E219 - Test Method for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium Fuel (Radiochemical Method) (Withdrawn 2001)
- ASTM-E2230 - Standard Practice for Thermal Qualification of Type B Packages for Radioactive Material
- ASTM-E244 - Test Method for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Mass Spectrometric Method) (Withdrawn 2001)
- ASTM-E267 - Standard Test Method for Uranium and Plutonium Concentrations and Isotopic Abundances (Withdrawn 2006)
- ASTM-E318 - Test Method for Uranium in Aqueous Solutions by Colorimetry (Withdrawn 1996)
- ASTM-E321 - Standard Test Method for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Neodymium-148 Method)
- ASTM-E522 - Method for Calibration of Germanium Detectors for Measurement of Gamma-Ray Emission Rates of Radionuclides (Withdrawn 1984)
- ASTM-E669 - Master Matrix for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Standards (Withdrawn 2000)
- ASTM-E692 - Standard Test Method for Determining the Content of Cesium-137 in Irradiated Nuclear Fuels by High-Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectral Analysis (Withdrawn 2013)
- ASTM-E846 - Matrix for Light-Water Reactor Spent Fuel Transportation (Withdrawn 1989)