Document Center List of Standards on Other Graphical Symbols
ICS Code 01.080.99
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The following documents are a part of this series:
- BS-559 - Specification for the design and construction of signs for publicity, decorative and general purposes
- BS-559-1 - Interior and exterior signs
- BS-559-1-TC - Tracked Changes. Interior and exterior signs
- BS-5775-8 - Specification for quantities, units and symbols. Physical chemistry and molecular physics
- BS-EN-62047-22 - Semiconductor devices. Micro-electromechanical devices
- BS-EN-ISO-10318-2 - Geosynthetics
- BS-EN-ISO-21531 - Dentistry. Graphical symbols for dental instruments
- BS-EN-ISO-780 - Packaging. Distribution packaging. Graphical symbols for handling and storage of packages
- BS-EN-ISO-780-TC - Tracked Changes. Packaging. Distribution packaging. Graphical symbols for handling and storage of packages
- BS-ISO-1951 - Presentation/representation of entries in dictionaries. Requirements, recommendations and information
- BS-ISO-22742 - Packaging. Linear bar code and two-dimensional symbols for product packaging
- BS-ISO/IEC-16023 - Information technology. International symbology specification. Maxicode
- ISO-10318-2 - Geosynthetics - Part 2: Symbols and pictograms
- ISO-10318-2-AM1 - - Amendment 1
- ISO-15223 - Medical devices -- Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be supplied
- ISO-15223-AM2 - Medical devices - Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be suppliedAmendment 2
- ISO-1951 - Presentation/representation of entries in dictionaries - Requirements, recommendations and information
- ISO-21531 - Dentistry - Graphical symbols for dental instruments
- ISO-22742 - Packaging - Linear bar code and two-dimensional symbols for product packaging
- ISO-6309 - Fire protection - Safety signs
- ISO-780 - Packaging - Distribution packaging - Graphical symbols for handling and storage of packages
Other SDOs:
- DIN-825 - Nameplates, Signs & Labels, Dimensions
- EN-62047-22 - Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 22: Electromechanical tensile test method for conductive thin films on flexible substrates
- EN-ISO-10318-2 - Geosynthetics - Part 2: Symbols and pictograms
- EN-ISO-21531 - Dentistry - Graphical Symbols for Dental Instruments
- EN-ISO-780 - Packaging - Distribution packaging - Graphical symbols for handling and storage of packages
- SS-EN-ISO-10318-2 - Geosynthetics - Part 2: Symbols and pictograms (ISO 10318-2:2015)
- SS-EN-ISO-10318-2-AM1 - Geosynthetics - Part 2: Symbols and pictograms - Amendment 1 (ISO 10318-2:2015/Amd 1:2018)
- SS-EN-ISO-21531 - Dentistry - Graphical symbols for dental instruments ( ISO 21531:2009)
- SS-EN-ISO-780 - Packaging - Distribution packaging - Graphical symbols for handling and storage of packages (ISO 780:2015)
- SS-ISO-22742 - Packaging - Linear bar code and two-dimensional symbols for product packaging (ISO 22742:2010, IDT)