Document Center List of Standards on Finances. Banking. Monetary Systems. Insurance Including Personal Financial Planning Information Technology Applications In Banking, See 35.240.40
ICS Code 03.060
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The following documents are a part of this series:
- ASTM-E1121 - Standard Practice for Measuring Payback for Investments in Buildings and Building Systems
- ASTM-E2285 - Standard Guide for Examination of Mechanical Checkwriter Impressions (Withdrawn 2017)
- ASTM-E2557 - Standard Practice for Probable Maximum Loss (PML) Evaluations for Earthquake Due-Diligence Assessments
- ASTM-E2606 - Standard Practice for Receipt Notification as a Result of Tangible Asset Movement
- ASTM-E2675 - Standard Practice for Asset Management System Outcomes
- ASTM-E2676 - Standard Practice for Tangible Property Mobility Index (MI)
- ASTM-E2718 - Standard Guide for Financial Disclosures Attributed to Climate Change
- ASTM-E3035 - Standard Classification for Facility Asset Component Tracking System (FACTS)
- ASTM-F1090 - Standard Classification for Bank and Mercantile Vault Construction
- ASTM-F2047 - Standard Practice for Workers’ Compensation Coverage of Emergency Services Volunteers
- ASTM-F572 - Practice for Application of Film Security Cameras in Financial Institutions (Withdrawn 2001)
- ASTM-PS6 - Practice for Establishing Secured Creditor Exemption Under Cercla (Withdrawn 1997)
- BS-6321 - Specification for authorized signature lists and their representation on microfiche in bank operations
- BS-7102-1 - Recommendations for algorithms for use in banking message authentication
- BS-7104 - Procedure for allocating a Bank Identifier Code (BIC)
- BS-7896 - Securities. Specification for the format and structure of names and addresses used in securities transactions for the business of registrars
- BS-8463 - Specification for customer billing practice
- BS-8577 - Framework for the provision of financial advice and planning services. Specification
- BS-8577&BS-ISO-22222 - Financial Advice and Planning Package (BS 8577:2012 + BS ISO 22222:2005)
- BS-9222 - Personal financial planning. Guidance on the application of BS ISO 22222 and assessment of compliance
- BS-EN-17419-1 - Digital Information Interchange in the Insurance Industry. Transfer of electronic documents
- BS-EN-ISO-9807 - Banking & Related Financial Services, Requirements for Message Authentication (Retail)
- BS-ISO-10383 - Securities and related financial instruments. Codes for exchanges and market identification (MIC)
- BS-ISO-10962 - Securities and related financial instruments. Classification of financial instruments (CFI) code
- BS-ISO-10962-TC - Tracked Changes. Securities and related financial instruments. Classification of financial instruments (CFI) code
- BS-ISO-11649 - Financial services. Core banking. Structured creditor reference to remittance information
- BS-ISO-12812-1 - Core banking. Mobile financial services
- BS-ISO-13616 - Banking and related financial services. International bank account number (IBAN)
- BS-ISO-14030-1 - Environmental performance evaluation. Green debt instruments
- BS-ISO-14030-2 - Environmental performance evaluation. Green debt instruments
- BS-ISO-14030-3 - Environmental performance evaluation. Green debt instruments
- BS-ISO-14030-4 - Environmental performance evaluation. Green debt instruments
- BS-ISO-14100 - Guidance on environmental criteria for projects, assets and activities to support the development of green finance
- BS-ISO-15022-1 - Securities. Scheme for messages (data field dictionary). Data field and message design rules and guidelines
- BS-ISO-15022-2 - Securities. Scheme for messages (data field dictionary). Maintenance of the data field dictionary and catalogue of messages
- BS-ISO-15782-1 - Certificate management for financial services
- BS-ISO-17442 - Financial services. Legal entity identifier (LEI)
- BS-ISO-17442-2 - Financial services. Legal entity identifier (LEI)
- BS-ISO-18245 - Retail financial services. Merchant category codes
- BS-ISO-18774 - Financial services. Financial instrument short name (FISN)
- BS-ISO-18774-TC - Tracked Changes. Financial services. Financial instrument short name (FISN)
- BS-ISO-20022-1 - Financial services. Universal financial industry message scheme
- BS-ISO-20022-2 - Financial services. Universal financial industry message scheme
- BS-ISO-20022-3 - Financial services. Universal financial industry message scheme
- BS-ISO-20022-4 - Financial services. Universal financial industry message scheme
- BS-ISO-20022-5 - Financial services. Universal financial industry message scheme
- BS-ISO-20022-6 - Financial services. Universal financial industry message scheme
- BS-ISO-20022-7 - Financial services. Universal financial industry message scheme
- BS-ISO-20022-8 - Financial services. Universal financial industry message scheme
- BS-ISO-20275 - Financial services. Entity legal forms (ELF)
- BS-ISO-22222 - Personal financial planning. Requirements for personal financial planners
- BS-ISO-23195 - Security objectives of information systems of third-party payment services
- BS-ISO-23897 - Financial services. Unique transaction identifier (UTI)
- BS-ISO-24165-1 - Digital token identifier (DTI). Registration, assignment and structure
- BS-ISO-24165-2 - Digital token identifier (DTI). Registration, assignment and structure
- BS-ISO-24366 - Financial services. Natural person identifier (NPI)
- BS-ISO-3531-1 - Financial services. Financial information eXchange session layer
- BS-ISO-3531-2 - Financial services. Financial information eXchange session layer
- BS-ISO-3531-3 - Financial services. Financial information eXchange session layer
- BS-ISO-4217 - Codes for the representation of currencies
- BS-ISO-5009 - Financial services. Official organizational roles. Scheme for official organizational roles
- BS-ISO-5116-1 - Improving transparency in financial and business reporting. Harmonization topics
- BS-ISO-5116-2 - Improving transparency in financial and business reporting. Harmonization topics
- BS-ISO-5116-3 - Improving transparency in financial and business reporting. Harmonization topics
- BS-ISO-5201 - Financial services. Code-scanning payment security
- BS-ISO-6166 - Financial services. International securities identification number (ISIN)
- BS-ISO-7341 - Banking. Nostro accounts reconciliation
- BS-ISO-9019 - Securities. Numbering of certificates
- BS-ISO-9362 - Banking. Banking telecommunication messages. Business identifier code (BIC)
- BS-ISO-9362-TC - Tracked Changes. Banking. Banking telecommunication messages. Business identifier code (BIC)
- PAS-156 - Specification for the maintenance of financial services customer data
- PAS-17271 - Protecting customers from financial harm as a result of fraud or financial abuse. Code of practice
- PAS-40 - Banknote theft deterrent systems using dye or smoke-dye
- PAS-499 - Code of practice for digital identification and strong customer authentication
- PAS-7340 - Framework for embedding the principles of sustainable finance in financial services organizations. Guide
- PD-CEN-17419-2 - Digital information interchange in the insurance industry. Transfer of electronic documents
- PD-CEN-17419-2-TC - Tracked Changes. Digital information interchange in the insurance industry. Transfer of electronic documents
- PD-CEN-17901 - Digital Information Interchange in the Insurance Industry. Electronic Premium Invoice. Mapping to Electronic Invoice EN 16931-1:2017
- PD-ISO-12812-2 - Core banking. Mobile financial services
- PD-ISO-12812-3 - Core banking. Mobile financial services
- PD-ISO-12812-4 - Core banking. Mobile financial services
- PD-ISO-12812-5 - Core banking. Mobile financial services
- PD-ISO-13569 - Financial services. Information security guidelines
- PD-ISO-14742 - Financial services. Recommendations on cryptographic algorithms and their use
- PD-ISO-21797 - Reference data for financial services. Overview of identification of financial instruments
- PD-ISO-22126-5 - Financial services. Semantic technology
- PD-ISO-23526 - Security aspects for digital currencies
- PD-ISO-32220 - Sustainable finance. Basic concepts and key initiatives
- BS-ISO-17442-1 - Financial services. Legal entity identifier (LEI)
- ISO-10383 - Securities and related financial instruments - Codes for exchanges and market identification (MIC)
- ISO-10674 - Rating services - Assessment of creditworthiness of non-listed entities
- ISO-10962 - Securities and related financial instruments - Classification of financial instruments (CFI) code
- ISO-10962-RL - Securities and related financial instruments - Classification of financial instruments (CFI) code
- ISO-11649 - Financial services - Core banking - Structured creditor reference to remittance information
- ISO-12812-1 - Core banking - Mobile financial services - Part 1: General framework
- ISO-12812-2 - Core banking - Mobile financial services - Part 2: Security and data protection for mobile financial services
- ISO-12812-3 - Core banking - Mobile financial services - Part 3: Financial application lifecycle management
- ISO-12812-4 - Core banking - Mobile financial services - Part 4: Mobile payments-to-persons
- ISO-12812-5 - Core banking - Mobile financial services - Part 5: Mobile payments to businesses
- ISO-13569 - Financial services - Information security guidelines
- ISO-13616 - Banking and related financial services - International bank account number (IBAN)
- ISO-13616-1 - Financial services - International bank account number (IBAN) - Part 1: Structure of the IBAN
- ISO-13616-2 - Financial services - International bank account number (IBAN) - Part 2: Role and responsibilities of the Registration Authority
- ISO-14030-1 - Environmental performance evaluation - Green debt instruments - Part 1: Process for green bonds
- ISO-14030-2 - Environmental performance evaluation - Green debt instruments - Part 2: Process for green loans
- ISO-14030-3 - Environmental performance evaluation - Green debt instruments - Part 3: Taxonomy
- ISO-14030-4 - Environmental performance evaluation - Green debt instruments - Part 4: Verification programme requirements
- ISO-14097 - Greenhouse gas management and related activities - Framework including principles and requirements for assessing and reporting investments and financing activities related to climate change
- ISO-14100 - Guidance on environmental criteria for projects, assets and activities to support the development of green finance
- ISO-14742 - Financial services - Recommendations on cryptographic algorithms and their use
- ISO-15022-1 - Securities -- Scheme for messages (Data Field Dictionary) -- Part 1: Data field and message design rules and guidelines
- ISO-15022-2 - Securities -- Scheme for messages (Data Field Dictionary) -- Part 2: Maintenance of the Data Field Dictionary and Catalogue of Messages
- ISO-17442 - Financial services - Legal entity identifier (LEI)
- ISO-17442-1 - Financial services - Legal entity identifier (LEI) - Part 1: Assignment
- ISO-17442-2 - Financial services - Legal entity identifier (LEI) - Part 2: Application in digital certificates
- ISO-17442-3 - Financial services - Legal entity identifier (LEI) - Part 3: Verifiable LEIs (vLEIs)
- ISO-17944 - Banking - Security and other financial services - Framework for security in financial systems
- ISO-18245 - Retail financial services - Merchant category codes
- ISO-18774 - Securities and related financial instruments - Financial Instrument Short Name (FISN)
- ISO-19092 - Financial services - Biometrics - Security framework
- ISO-19092-1 - Financial services -- Biometrics -- Part 1: Security framework
- ISO-20022-1 - Financial services - Universal financial industry message scheme - Part 1: Metamodel
- ISO-20022-2 - Financial services - Universal financial industry message scheme - Part 2: UML profile
- ISO-20022-3 - Financial services - Universal financial industry message scheme - Part 3: Modelling
- ISO-20022-4 - Financial services - Universal financial industry message scheme - Part 4: XML Schema generation
- ISO-20022-5 - Financial services - Universal financial industry message scheme - Part 5: Reverse engineering
- ISO-20022-6 - Financial services - Universal financial industry message scheme - Part 6: Message transport characteristics
- ISO-20022-7 - Financial services - Universal financial industry message scheme - Part 7: Registration
- ISO-20022-8 - Financial services - Universal financial industry message scheme - Part 8: ASN.1 generation
- ISO-20275 - Financial services - Entity legal forms (ELF)
- ISO-21586 - Reference data for financial services - Specification for the description of banking products or services (BPoS)
- ISO-21797 - Reference data for financial services - Overview of identification of financial instruments
- ISO-21941 - Financial services - Third-party payment service providers
- ISO-22126-3 - Financial services - Semantic technology - Part 3: Semantic enrichment of the ISO 20022 conceptual model
- ISO-22126-5 - Financial services - Semantic technology - Part 5: Mapping from FIX Orchestra to the common model
- ISO-22222 - Personal financial planning - Requirements for personal financial planners
- ISO-22307 - Financial services - Privacy impact assessment
- ISO-23195 - Security objectives of information systems of third-party payment services
- ISO-23526 - Security aspects for digital currencies
- ISO-24165-1 - Digital token identifier (DTI) - Registration, assignment and structure - Part 1: Method for registration and assignment
- ISO-24165-2 - Digital token identifier (DTI) - Registration, assignment and structure - Part 2: Data elements for registration
- ISO-24366 - Financial services - Natural person identifier (NPI)
- ISO-32210 - Sustainable finance - Guidance on the application of sustainability principles for organizations in the financial sector
- ISO-32220 - Sustainable finance - Basic concepts and key initiatives
- ISO-3531-1 - Financial services - Financial information eXchange session layer - Part 1: FIX tagvalue encoding
- ISO-3531-2 - Financial services - Financial information eXchange session layer - Part 2: FIX session layer
- ISO-3531-3 - Financial services - Financial information eXchange session layer - Part 3: FIX session layer test cases
- ISO-4217 - Codes for the representation of currencies
- ISO-4914 - Financial services - Unique product identifier (UPI)
- ISO-5009 - Financial services - Official organizational roles - Scheme for official organizational roles
- ISO-5116-1 - Improving transparency in financial and business reporting - Harmonization topics - Part 1: European data point methodology for supervisory reporting
- ISO-5116-2 - Improving transparency in financial and business reporting - Harmonization topics - Part 2: Guidelines for data point modelling
- ISO-5116-3 - Improving transparency in financial and business reporting - Harmonization topics - Part 3: Mapping between DPM and MDM
- ISO-5158 - Mobile financial services - Customer identification guidelines
- ISO-5201 - Financial services - Code-scanning payment security
- ISO-6083 - Best practices for an internal BPoS handbook
- ISO-6166 - Financial services - International securities identification number (ISIN)
- ISO-6166-RL - Financial services - International securities identification number (ISIN)
- ISO-7340 - Reference data distribution in financial services
- ISO-8109 - Banking and related financial services - Securities - Format of Eurobonds
- ISO-8532 - Securities - Format for transmission of certificate numbers
- ISO-9019 - Securities - Numbering of certificates
- ISO-9362 - Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Business identifier code (BIC)
- ISO-9546 - Guidelines for security framework of information systems of third-party payment services
- ISO/IEC-27015 - Information technology - Security techniques - Information security management guidelines for financial services
- ISO/IEC-27562 - Information technology - Security techniques - Privacy guidelines for fintech services
Other SDOs:
- BS-ISO-19092 - Financial services. Biometrics. Security framework
- DIN-ISO-22222 - Personal Financial Planning - Requirements for Personal Financial Planners
- EN-ISO-9807 - Banking & Related Financial Services, Requirements for Message Authentication (Retail)
- SIS-ISO/TR-32220 - Sustainable finance Basic concepts and key initiatives
- SS-614133 - International cheque remittance
- SS-614330 - Identification cards - Cryptographic token information application
- SS-614331 - Identification Cards - Electronic ID Certificate
- SS-614332 - Identification cards - Electronic ID card - Swedish profile
- SS-614610 - Bank-book, pass-book
- SS-622370 - Bank operations - Authorized signature list and their representation on microfiche
- SS-623720 - Banking - Nostro accounts reconciliation
- SS-EN-1047-2 - Secure storage units - Classification and methods of test for resistance to fire - Part 2: Data rooms and data container
- SS-EN-1143-1 - Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary - Part 1: Safes, ATM safes, strongroom doors and strongrooms
- SS-EN-1143-1-AM1 - Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods of tests for resistance to burglary - Part 1: Safes, strongroom doors and strongrooms
- SS-EN-1143-1-AM2 - Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods of tests for resistance to burglary - Part 1: Safes, strongroom doors and strongrooms
- SS-EN-1143-2 - Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods of tests for resistance to burglary - Part 2: Deposit systems
- SS-EN-17419-1 - Digital Information Interchange in the Insurance Industry - Transfer of electronic documents - Part 1: Process and Data Model
- SS-EN-24217 - Codes for the representation of currencies and funds
- SS-EN-27982-1 - Bank telecommunication - Funds transfer messages - Part 1: Vocabulary and data elements
- SS-ISO-10043 - Banking and related financial services - Information interchange - Collection order form
- SS-ISO-10044 - Banking and related financial services - Information interchange - Documentary credit forms
- SS-ISO-10383 - Codes for exchanges and regulated markets - Market identifier (MIC)
- SS-ISO-13616-1 - Financial services - International bank account number (IBAN) - Part 1: Structure of the IBAN (ISO 13616-1:2007, IDT)
- SS-ISO-13616-2 - Financial services International bank account number (IBAN) Part 2: Role and responsibilities of the Registration Authority (ISO 13616-2:2020, IDT)
- SS-ISO-14097 - Greenhouse gas management and related activities - Framework including principles and requirements for assessing and reporting investments and financing activities related to climate change (ISO 14097:2021, IDT)
- SS-ISO-32210 - Sustainable finance - Guidance on the application of sustainability principles for organizations in the financial sector (ISO 32210:2022, IDT)
- SS-ISO-4909 - Bank cards - Magnetic stripe data content for track 3
- SS-ISO-7746 - Banking - Telex formats for inter-bank messages
- SS-ISO-7775 - Securities - Scheme for message types
- SS-ISO-7982-1 - Bank telecommunication - Funds transfer messages - Part 1: Vocabulary and data elements
- SS-ISO-8532 - Securities - Format for transmission of certificate numbers
- SS-ISO-8730 - Banking - Requirements for message authentication(wholesale)
- SS-ISO-8731-1 - Banking - Approved algorithms for messages authentication - Part 1: DEA
- SS-ISO-8908 - Banking and related financial services - Vocabulary and data elements
- SS-ISO-9019 - Securities - Numbering of certificates
- SS-ISO-9144 - Securities - Optical character recognition line -Position and structure
- SS-ISO-9564-1 - Banking - Personal Identification Number management and security - Part 1: PIN protection principles and techniques
- SS-ISO-9564-2 - Banking - Personal Identification Number management and security - Part 2: Approved algorithm(s) for PIN encipherment
- SS-ISO-9777 - Banking - Forms for confirming foreing exchange deals
- SS-ISO-9778 - Banking - Forms for confirming loan/deposit contracts
- SS-ISO-9807 - Banking and related financial services - Requirements for message authentication (retail)