Document Center List of Standards on Other Treatments And Coatings
ICS Code 25.220.99
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The following documents are a part of this series:
- ASTM-B177 - Standard Guide for Engineering Chromium Electroplating
- ASTM-B449 - Standard Specification for Chromates on Aluminum
- ASTM-B602 - Standard Test Method for Attribute Sampling of Metallic and Inorganic Coatings
- ASTM-B762 - Standard Test Method of Variables Sampling of Metallic and Inorganic Coatings
- ASTM-B940 - Standard Practice for Testing Non-Chromate Coatings on Zinc and Cadmium Surfaces
- ASTM-C1624 - Standard Test Method for Adhesion Strength and Mechanical Failure Modes of Ceramic Coatings by Quantitative Single Point Scratch Testing
- ASTM-D5064 - Standard Practice for Conducting a Patch Test to Assess Coating Compatibility
- ASTM-D5065 - Standard Guide for Assessing the Condition of Aged Coatings on Steel Surfaces
- ASTM-D6189 - Standard Practice for Evaluating the Efficiency of Chemical Removers for Organic Coatings
- ASTM-D6191 - Standard Test Method for Measurement of Evolved Formaldehyde from Water Reducible Air-Dry Coatings
- ASTM-D6206 - Standard Practice for Sampling of Coating Films
- ASTM-D6279 - Standard Test Method for Rub Abrasion Mar Resistance of High Gloss Coatings
- ASTM-D6943 - Standard Practice for Immersion Testing of Industrial Protective Coatings and Linings
- ASTM-D7602 - Standard Practice for Installation of Vulcanized Rubber Linings
- ASTM-D7767 - Standard Test Method to Measure Volatiles from Radiation Curable Acrylate Monomers, Oligomers, and Blends and Thin Coatings Made from Them
- ASTM-D7869 - Standard Practice for Xenon Arc Exposure Test with Enhanced Light and Water Exposure for Transportation Coatings
- ASTM-F1501 - Test Method for Tension Testing of Calcium Phosphate Coatings (Withdrawn 2000)
- ASTM-F1658 - Test Method for Shear Testing of Calcium Phosphate Coatings (Withdrawn 2000)
- ASTM-F1659 - Standard Test Method for Bending and Shear Fatigue Testing of Calcium Phosphate Coatings on Solid Metallic Substrates (Withdrawn 2005)
- ASTM-F2024 - Standard Practice for X-ray Diffraction Determination of Phase Content of Plasma-Sprayed Hydroxyapatite Coatings
- ASTM-G215 - Standard Guide for Electrode Potential Measurement
- BS-4479-9 - Design of articles that are to be coated
- BS-4495 - Recommendations for the flame spraying of ceramic and cermet coatings
- BS-EN-10298 - Steel tubes and fittings for onshore and offshore pipelines. Internal lining with cement mortar
- BS-EN-1071-6 - Advanced technical ceramics. Methods of test for ceramic coatings. Determination of the abrasion resistance of coatings by a micro-abrasion wear test
- BS-EN-12508 - Corrosion protection of metals and alloys. Surface treatment, metallic and other inorganic coatings. Vocabulary
- BS-EN-13143 - Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Definitions and conventions concerning porosity
- BS-EN-13144 - Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Method for quantitative measurement of adhesion by tensile test
- BS-EN-13144-TC - Tracked Changes. Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Method for quantitative measurement of adhesion by tensile test
- BS-EN-15773 - Industrial application of powder organic coatings to hot dip galvanized or sherardized steel articles [duplex systems]. Specifications, recommendations and guidelines
- BS-EN-15773-TC - Tracked Changes. Industrial application of powder organic coatings to hot dip galvanized or sherardized steel articles [duplex systems]. Specifications, recommendations and guidelines
- BS-EN-4729 - Aerospace series. Trivalent chromium based chemical conversion coatings for aluminium and aluminium alloys
- BS-EN-4875 - Aerospace series. Surface treatments. Test method for measurement of electrical contact resistance
- BS-EN-ISO-10111 - Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Measurement of mass per unit area. Review of gravimetric and chemical analysis methods
- BS-EN-ISO-23216 - Carbon based films. Determination of optical properties of amorphous carbon films by spectroscopic ellipsometry
- BS-EN-ISO-3892 - Conversion coatings on metallic materials. Determination of coating mass per unit area. Gravimetric methods
- BS-ISO-12686 - Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Automated controlled shot-peening of metallic articles prior to nickel, autocatalytic nickel or chromium plating, or as a final finish
- BS-ISO-20267 - Thermal spraying. Determination of interfacial toughness of ceramic coatings by indentation
- BS-ISO-20523 - Carbon based films. Classification and designations
- BS-ISO-23216 - Carbon based films. Determination of optical properties of amorphous carbon films by spectroscopic ellipsometry
- DD-CEN-1071-10 - Advanced Technical Ceramics, Methods of Test for Ceramic Coatings, Determination of Co
- ISO-14656 - Epoxy powder and sealing material for the coating of steel for the reinforcement of concrete
- ISO-20267 - Thermal spraying - Determination of interfacial toughness of ceramic coatings by indentation
- ISO-20523 - Carbon based films - Classification and designations
- ISO-23216 - Carbon based films - Determination of optical properties of amorphous carbon films by spectroscopic ellipsometry
Other SDOs:
- DIN-EN-10298 - Steel tubes and fittings for onshore and offshore pipelines - Internal lining with cement mortar; German version EN 10298:2005
- DIN-EN-ISO-4516 - Metallic & Other Inorganic Coatings, Vickers & Knoop Microhardness Tests
- EN-10298 - Steel Tubes & Fittings for on Shore & Offshore Pipelines - Internal Lining With Cement
- EN-1071-6 - Advanced Technical Ceramics, Methods of Test for Ceramic Coatings, Determination of Th
- EN-15773 - Industrial Application of Powder Organic Coatings To Hot Dip Galvanized or Sherardized
- EN-4729 - Aerospace series - Trivalent chromium based chemical conversion coatings for aluminium and aluminium alloys
- SIS-812101 - Sandwichelement av betong - Mått
- SIS-812199 - Sammanhållare för sandwichelement av betong
- SIS-812201 - Lättbetongprodukter - Liggande väggelement av lättklinkerbetong - Mått
- SIS-812202 - Lättbetongprodukter - Takelement av lättklinkerbetong - Mått
- SIS-812203 - Lättbetongprodukter - Bjälklagselement av lättklinkerbetong - Mått
- SIS-812605 - Steel structures. Simple beams for multi-storey buildings
- SIS-817301 - Dörrsnickerier. Nomenklatur
- SIS-817316 - Door leaves. Measurement of surface roughness
- SIS-817320 - Doorsets. Determination of resistance to torsion
- SIS-818119 - Fönstersnickerier - Håltagning för persienner
- SIS-822001 - Sanitetsporslin - Kvalitet och provning
- SIS-822002 - Installationsenheter av sanitetsporslin - Besiktningsregler
- SIS-822003 - Badkar och duschkar. Emaljytor
- SIS-822100 - Tvättställ - Allmänna anvisningar
- SIS-822101 - Tvättställ typ FK med blandarhål och bräddavlopp
- SIS-CEN/TS-1071-9 - Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of test for ceramic coatings - Part 9: Determination of fracture strain
- SS-EN-10298 - Steel tubes and fittings for on shore and offshore pipelines - Internal lining with cement mortar
- SS-EN-1071-6 - Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of test for ceramic coatings - Part 6: Determination of the abrasion resistance of coatings by a micro-abrasion wear test
- SS-EN-12373-10 - Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 10: Measurement of mean specific abraison resistance of anodic oxidation coatings using an abrasive jet test apparatus
- SS-EN-12373-2 - Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 2: Determination of mass per unit area (surface density) of anodic oxidation coatings - Gravimetric method
- SS-EN-12373-3 - Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 3: Determination of thickness of anodic oxidation coatings - Non-destructive measurement by split-beam microscope
- SS-EN-12373-4 - Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 4: Estimation of loss of absorptive power of anodic oxidation coatings after sealing by dye spot test with prior acid treatment
- SS-EN-12373-5 - Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 5: Assessment of quality of sealed anodic oxidation coatings by measurement of admittance
- SS-EN-12373-6 - Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 6: Assessment of quality of sealed anodic oxidation coatings by measurement of the loss of mass after immersion in phosphoric acid/chromic acid solution without prior acid treatment
- SS-EN-12373-7 - Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 7: Assessment of quality of sealed anodic oxidation coatings by measurement of the loss of mass after immersion in phosphoric acid/chromic acid solution with prior acid treatment
- SS-EN-12373-8 - Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 8: Determination of the comparative fastness to ultra-violet light and heat of coloured anodic oxidation coatings
- SS-EN-12373-9 - Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 9: Measurement of wear resistance and wear index of anodic oxidation coatings using an abrasive wheel wear test apparatus
- SS-EN-12476 - Phospahte conversion coatings of metals - Method of specifying requirements
- SS-EN-12487 - Corrosion protection of metals - Rinsed and non-rinsed chromate conversion coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloys
- SS-EN-12508 - Corrosion protection of metals and alloys - Surface treatment, metallic and other inorganic coatings - Vocabulary
- SS-EN-13143 - Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Definitions and conventions concerning porosity
- SS-EN-13144 - Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Method for quantitative measurement of adhesion by tensile test
- SS-EN-15773 - Industrial application of powder organic coatings to hot dip galvanized or sherardized steel articles [duplex systems] - Specifications, recommendations and guidelines
- SS-EN-24641 - Rubber hoses for water suction and discharge - Specification (ISO 4641:1991)
- SS-EN-4729 - Aerospace series - Trivalent chromium based chemical conversion coatings for aluminium and aluminium alloys
- SS-EN-4875 - Aerospace series - Surface treatments - Test method for measurement of electrical contact resistance
- SS-EN-ISO-1462 - Metallic coatings - Coatings other than those anodic to the basis metal - Accelerated corrosion tests - Method for the evaluation of the results (ISO 1462:1973)
- SS-EN-ISO-1463 - Metallic and oxide coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Microscopical method (ISO 1463:2021)
- SS-EN-ISO-15496 - Textiles - Measurement of water vapour permeability of textiles for the purpose of quality control (ISO 15496:2018)
- SS-EN-ISO-16348 - Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Definitions and conventions concerning appearance (ISO 16348:2003)
- SS-EN-ISO-19598 - Metallic coatings - Electroplated coatings of zinc and zinc alloys on iron or steel with supplementary Cr(VI)-free treatment (ISO 19598:2016)
- SS-EN-ISO-2064 - Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Definitions and conventions concerning the measurement of thickness (ISO 2064:1996)
- SS-EN-ISO-2106 - Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Determination of mass per unit area (surface density) of anodic oxidation coatings - Gravimetric method (ISO 2106:2019)
- SS-EN-ISO-2128 - Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Determination of thickness of anodic oxidation coatings - Non-destructive measurement by split-beam microscope (ISO 2128:2010)
- SS-EN-ISO-2177 - Metallic coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Coulometric method by anodic dissolution (ISO 2177:2003)
- SS-EN-ISO-2178 - Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates - Measurement of coating thickness - Magnetic method (ISO 2178:2016)
- SS-EN-ISO-23216 - Carbon based films - Determination of optical properties of amorphous carbon films by spectroscopic ellipsometry (ISO 23216:2021)
- SS-EN-ISO-2360 - Non-conductive coatings on non-magnetic electrically conductive base metals - Measurement of coating thickness - Amplitude-sensitive eddy-current method (ISO 2360:2017)
- SS-EN-ISO-2361 - Electrodeposited nickel coatings on magnetic and non-magnetic substrates - Measurement of coating thickness - Magnetic method (ISO 2361:1982)
- SS-EN-ISO-26424 - Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) - Determination of the abrasion resistance of coatings by a micro-scale abrasion test (ISO 26424:2008)
- SS-EN-ISO-3210 - Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Assessment of quality of sealed anodic oxidation coatings by measurement of the loss of mass after immersion in acid solution(s) (ISO 3210:2017)
- SS-EN-ISO-3543 - Metallic and non-metallic coatings - Measurement of thickness - Beta backscatter method (ISO 3543:2000)
- SS-EN-ISO-3613 - Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Chromate conversion coatings on zinc, cadmium, aluminium-zinc alloys and zinc-aluminium alloys - Test methods (ISO 3613:2010)
- SS-EN-ISO-3868 - Metallic and other non-organic coatings - Measurement of coating thicknesses - Fizeau multiple-beaminterferometry method (ISO 3868:1976)
- SS-EN-ISO-3882 - Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Review of methods of measurement of thickness (ISO 3882:2003)
- SS-EN-ISO-3892 - Conversion coatings on metallic materials - Determination of coating mass per unit area - Gravimetric methods (ISO 3892:2000)
- SS-EN-ISO-4518 - Metallic coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Profilometric method (ISO 4518:2021)
- SS-EN-ISO-4524-3 - Metallic coatings - Test methods for electrodeposited gold and gold alloy coatings - Part 3: Electrographic tests for porosity (ISO 4524-3:2021)
- SS-EN-ISO-4536 - Metallic and non-organic coatings on metallic substrates - Saline droplets corrosion test (SD test)(ISO 4536:1985)
- SS-EN-ISO-4538 - Metallic coatings - Thioacetamide corrosion test (TAA test) (ISO 4538:1978)
- SS-EN-ISO-4541 - Metallic and other non-organic coatings - Corrodkote corrosion test (CORR test) (ISO 4541:1978)
- SS-EN-ISO-4543 - Metallic and other non-organic coatings - Generalrules for corrosion tests applicable for storage conditions (ISO 4543:1981)
- SS-EN-ISO-6581 - Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Determination of the comparative fastness to ultraviolet light and heat of coloured anodic oxidation coatings (ISO 6581:2018)
- SS-EN-ISO-8403 - Metallic coatings - Coatings anodic to the substrate - Rating of test specimens subjected to corrosion tests (ISO 8403:1991)
- SS-EN-ISO-8434-1 - Metallic tube connections for fluid power and general use - Part 1: 24° cone connectors (ISO 8434-1:2018)
- SS-EN-ISO-8434-4 - Metallic tube connections for fluid power and general use - Part 4: 24o cone connectors with O-ring weld-on nipples (ISO 8434-4:1995)
- SS-EN-ISO-9220 - Metallic coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Scanning electron microscope method (ISO 9220:2022)
- SS-EN-ISO-9717 - Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Phosphate conversion coating of metals (ISO 9717:2017)
- SS-EN-ISO-9974-2 - Connections for general use and fluid power - Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing - Part 2: Stud ends with elastomeric sealing (type E) (ISO 9974-2:1996)
- SS-EN-ISO-9974-3 - Connections for general use and fluid power - Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing - Part 3: Stud ends with metal-or-metal sealing (type B) (ISO 9974-3:1996)
- SS-ENV-41504 - Information systems interconnection - Character repertoire and coding for interworking with Telex services
- SS-ISO-10546 - Chemical conversion coatings - Rinsed and non-rinsed chromate conversion coatings on aluminium and alloys
- SS-ISO-1463 - Metallic and oxide coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Microscopical method
- SS-ISO-1726 - Road vehicles - Mechanical coupling between tractors and semi-trailers - Interchangeability (ISO 1726-1:2000, IDT)
- SS-ISO-20267 - Thermal spraying - Determination of interfacial toughness of ceramic coatings by indentation (ISO 20267:2017, IDT)
- SS-ISO-2064 - Metallic and other non-organic coatings - Definitions and conventions concerning the measurement ofthickness
- SS-ISO-2080 - Electroplating and related processes - Vocabulary
- SS-ISO-2106 - Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Determination of mass per unit area (surface density) of anodic oxide coatings - Gravimetric method
- SS-ISO-2128 - Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Determination of thickness of anodic oxide coatings - Non-destructive measurement by split-beam microscope
- SS-ISO-2135 - Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Accelerated test of light fastness of coloured anodic oxidecoatings using artificial light
- SS-ISO-2143 - Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Estimation of loss of absorptive power of anodic oxide coatings after sealing - Dye spot test with prior acidtreatment
- SS-ISO-2177 - Metallic coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Coulometric method by anodic dissolution
- SS-ISO-2360 - Non-conductive coatings on non-magnetic basis metals - Measurement of coating thickness - Eddy current method
- SS-ISO-2361 - Electrodeposited nickel coatings on magnetic and non-magnetic substrates - Measurement of coating thickness - Magnetic method
- SS-ISO-2376 - Anodization (anodic oxidation) of aluminium and its alloys - Insulation check by measurement of breakdown potential
- SS-ISO-2931 - Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Assessment of quality of sealed anodic oxide coatings by measurement of admittance or impedance
- SS-ISO-3210 - Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Assessment of quality of sealed anodic coatings by measurement of the loss of mass after immersion in phosphoric-chromic acid solution
- SS-ISO-3497 - Metallic coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - X-ray spectrometric methods
- SS-ISO-3543 - Metallic and non-metallic coatings - Measurement of thickness - Beta backscatter method
- SS-ISO-3613 - Chromate conversion coatings on zinc and cadmium - Test methods
- SS-ISO-3882 - Metallic and other non-organic coatings - Review of methods of measurement of thickness
- SS-ISO-4520 - Chromate conversion coatings on electroplated zinc and cadmium coatings
- SS-ISO-4536 - Metallic and other non-organic coatings on metallic substrates - Saline droplets corrosion test (SD-test)
- SS-ISO-4541 - Metallic and other non-organic coatings - Corrodkote corrosion test (CORR test)
- SS-ISO-4542 - Metallic and other non-organic coatings - Generalrules for stationary outdoor exposure corrosion tests
- SS-ISO-4543 - Metallic and other non-organic coatings - Generalrules for corrosion tests applicable for storage conditions
- SS-ISO-5190 - Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Evaluation of uniformity of appearance of architectural anodic finishes - Determination of diffuse reflectance and specular gloss
- SS-ISO-6581 - Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Determination of the fastness to ultra violet light to coloured anodic oxide coatings
- SS-ISO-6719 - Anodized aluminium and its alloys - Measurements of reflectance characteristics of aluminium surfaces using integrating-sphere instruments
- SS-ISO-7583 - Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Vocabulary
- SS-ISO-7599 - Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - General specifications for anodic oxide coatings on aluminium
- SS-ISO-7668 - Anodized aluminium and aluminium alloys - Measurements of specular reflectance and specular gloss at angles of 20 degrees, 45 degrees, 60 degrees or 85 degrees
- SS-ISO-7669 - Anodized aluminium and its alloys - Measurements of total reflectivity using a photoelectric reflectometer
- SS-ISO-7759 - Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Measurements of reflectivity characteristics of aluminium surfaces using abridged goniophotometer or goniophotometer
- SS-ISO-8251 - Anodized aluminium and aluminium alloys - Measurements of wear resistance and wear index of anodic oxidation coatings with an abrasive wheel wear test apparatus
- SS-ISO-8252 - Anodized aluminium and aluminium alloys - Measurements of mean specific abrasion resistance of anodic oxidation coatings with an abrasive jet test apparatus
- SS-ISO-9220 - Metallic coatings - Measurements of coating thickness - Scanning electron microscope method
- SS-ISO-9717 - Phosphate conversion coatings for metals - Methodof specifying requirements