ASTM-F3145 Standard Guide for Swiftwater/Flood Rescue Technician Basic

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Standard Guide for Swiftwater/Flood Rescue Technician Basic



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1.1 This guide establishes the areas of expertise that Search and Rescue (SAR) Swiftwater/Flood Rescue Technician Basic (SWFT-Basic) personnel shall demonstrate in order to perform in, on, or around a Swiftwater environment.

1.1.1 Specifically, this guide defines the recommended training required to prepare SWFT-Basic personnel, or equivalent, for responding to or conducting shore-based Swiftwater and flood rescue operations.

1.1.2 This guide establishes the general areas of expertise that SWFT-Basic personnel shall demonstrate. This guide does not cover specialized types of Swiftwater/flood SAR, such as helicopter and boat-based rescues.

1.1.3 This guide also establishes the minimum training requirements.

1.2 This is the entry-level position for Swiftwater/flood responders.

1.3 SWFT-Basic personnel shall be able to recognize, reduce, eliminate, or mitigate, within the scope of their training, the hazards and risks in a Swiftwater or flood situation or environment and be able to request appropriate additional resources.

1.4 This guide identifies types of rescues, tactics, and systems that are typically used by SWFT-Basic personnel, such as shore-based rescues using talking, reaching, throwing, and wading methods.

1.5 SWFT-Basic personnel who have met the minimum qualifications and experience within this guide are capable of performing shore-based rescues and assisting with in-water rescues from the shore under qualified supervision.

Significance and Use

4.1 This guide establishes the minimum requirements for training SWFT-Basic personnel. A person trained to this guide is considered to be a SWFT-Basic.

4.2 Every person who is identified as a SWFT-Basic shall have met the requirements, or equivalent, of this guide.

4.3 This guide is to be used by the individuals and Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) that wish to identify the minimum training required for SWFT-Basic. No advanced skills are included or implied.

4.4 This guide was developed specifically for use in the United States, but may be used in other countries as needed.

4.5 This guide should be used in conjunction with established and authorized guidelines and procedures mandated by the AHJ.

4.6 Nothing in this guide precludes an AHJ from adding additional requirements for its own members.

4.7 The AHJ shall determine that personnel, agencies, and organizations are qualified and authorized to participate in Swiftwater/flood search and rescue operations.

4.8 The AHJ shall determine the evaluation process used to assess the extent to which the requirements of this guide are met.

4.9 4.9 Swiftwater personnel should only perform activities in the Swiftwater environment after a thorough risk assessment and appropriate risk mitigation efforts (such as the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), restricting efforts to shore-based techniques, or delaying a recovery until more favorable water conditions exist) have been performed. At the very least, personnel should follow the appropriate national, federal, state, tribal, provincial, and local safety standards as they apply to activities in Swiftwater environments. SWFT-Basic personnel should be supervised by a Swiftwater/Flood Rescue Technician-Intermediate (SWFT-Intermediate) or Swiftwater/Flood Rescue Technician-Advanced (SWFT-Advanced) for in-water rescue operations. Shore-based rescue does not necessarily require SWFT-Intermediate or SWFT-Advanced supervision, but any rescue requires appropriate command and control, determined by the level of complexity. Rescue shall be done using the appropriate safety precautions.


flood; rescue; search; Swiftwater; technician; water;

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Document Number


Revision Level

2015 R22 EDITION



Modification Type


Publication Date

July 12, 2022

Document Type


Page Count

12 pages

Committee Number
