ISO-16175-3 › Information and documentation - Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments - Part 3: Guidelines and functional requirements for records in business systems
The following bibliographic material is provided to assist you with your purchasing decision:
ISO 16175-3:2010 specifies general requirements and guidelines for records management and gives guidelines for the appropriate identification and management of evidence (records) of business activities transacted through business systems. It gives guidelines
- to understand processes and requirements for identifying and managing records in business systems;
- to develop requirements for functionality for records to be included in a design specification when building, upgrading or purchasing business system software;
- to evaluate the records management capability of proposed customized or commercial off-the-shelf business system software;
- to review the functionality for records or assess compliance of existing business systems.
ISO 16175-3:2010 specifies requirements for export supports preservation by allowing the export of records to a system that is capable of long-term preservation activities, or for the ongoing migration of records into new systems. It does not specify requirements for the long-term preservation of digital records.
ISO 16175-3:2010 is not applicable to records management in highly integrated software environments based on service-oriented architectures.
ISO 16175-3:2010 does not specify a general system management, nor the design requirements such as usability, reporting, searching, system administration and performance. It also does not specify developing design specifications, procurement and evaluation processes in any detail.
To find similar documents by classification:
01.140.20 (Information sciences Including documentation, librarianship and archive systems)
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Document Number
ISO 16175-3:2010
Revision Level
Publication Date
Dec. 1, 2010
Committee Number
ISO/TC 46/SC 11