ISO-18230 › Iron ores - Determination of loss on ignition - Non-oxidised ores
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ISO/TR 18230:2015 describes a gravimetric method for the determination of the loss in mass of non-oxidized iron ores, when ignited at 1 000 °C.
This method is applicable to a concentration range of a mass fraction of −3,0 % to 7,0 % loss on ignition in natural iron ores, iron ore concentrates and agglomerates, and sinters.
The method is not applicable to the following:
a) processed ores containing metallic iron (direct reduced iron);
b) natural or processed ores in which the sulfur content is higher than a mass fraction of 0,2 %;
c) internationally traded ores with combined water greater than 2,5 %.
NOTE 1 Loss on ignition can be used as an estimate of combined water.
NOTE 2 This method is intended for in-house use and is not intended for referee purposes.
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Document Number
ISO/TR 18230:2015
Revision Level
Publication Date
Aug. 15, 2015
Committee Number
ISO/TC 102/SC 2