ISO-22282-4 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Geohydraulic testing - Part 4: Pumping tests

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This document establishes requirements for pumping tests as part of geotechnical investigation service in accordance with EN 1997-1 and EN 1997-2.

This document applies to pumping tests performed on aquifers whose permeability is such that pumping from a well can create a lowering of the piezometric head within hours or days depending on the ground conditions and the purpose. It covers pumping tests carried out in soils and rock.

The tests concerned by this document are those intended for evaluating the hydrodynamic parameters of an aquifer and well parameters, such as:

— permeability of the aquifer,

— radius of influence of pumping,

— pumping rate of a well,

— response of drawdown in an aquifer during pumping,

— skin effect,

— well storage,

— response of recovery in an aquifer after pumping.




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Document Number

ISO 22282-4:2021

Revision Level




Publication Date

March 1, 2021

Committee Number

ISO/TC 182