ISO-23081-3 › Information and documentation - Managing metadata for records - Part 3: Self-assessment method
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ISO/TR 23081-3:2011 provides guidance on conducting a self-assessment on records metadata in relation to the creation, capture and control of records.
The self-assessment helps to:
- identify the current state of metadata capture and management in or across organizations;
- identify priorities of what to work on and when;
- identify key requirements from ISO 23081-1:2006 and ISO 23081-2:2009;
- evaluate progress in the development of a metadata framework for the implementation of specific systems and projects;
- evaluate system and project readiness (move to the next phase in a system or project) when including records metadata functionality in a system. A records metadata readiness evaluation is provided for key steps from project inception through to the implementation/maintenance phase.
To find similar documents by classification:
01.140.20 (Information sciences Including documentation, librarianship and archive systems)
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Document Number
ISO/TR 23081-3:2011
Revision Level
Publication Date
Aug. 15, 2011
Committee Number
ISO/TC 46/SC 11