ISO-24234 Dentistry - Dental amalgam

ISO-24234 - 3RD EDITION - CURRENT -- See the following: ISO-24234-AM1
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This document specifies the requirements and test methods for dental amalgam alloy powder and dental mercury that are suitable for the preparation of dental amalgam together with the requirements and test methods for that dental amalgam and the requirements for packaging and marking.

NOTE       Two of the requirements apply only to dental mercury (as supplied). All of the other requirements apply to the dental amalgam alloy (as supplied) and dental amalgam.

This document is not applicable to dental amalgam alloy powder and dental mercury supplied in a pre-capsulated form.

This document is not applicable to other metallic materials in which an alloy powder reacts with an alloy that is liquid at ambient temperature to produce a solid metallic material intended for dental restoration.

This document applies to products used to make dental amalgam restorations, supplied to the user in the following forms: dental amalgam alloy as a fine free flowing powder, or as a fine powder compacted into tablets and dental mercury in dental mercury sachets (sometimes referred to as dental mercury pillows). The mass of dental mercury in these sachets is limited to the amount required to make a small to medium-sized restoration in a single tooth.

This document is not applicable to dental mercury that is supplied in a primary container in an undivided mass that exceeds the amount suitable for a small to medium-sized restoration.




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Document Number

ISO 24234:2021

Revision Level




Publication Date

Aug. 1, 2021

Committee Number

ISO/TC 106/SC 1