ISO-28927-6 Hand-held portable power tools - Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission - Part 6: Rammers


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ISO 28927-6:2009 specifies a laboratory method for measuring hand-transmitted vibration emission at the handles of hand-held, power-driven rammers. It is a type-test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibration in the gripping areas of a machine run under specified test conditions. It is intended that the results be used to compare different models of the same type of machine.

ISO 28927-6:2009 is applicable to rammers, back-fill rammers, pawing rammers, sand rammers and stampers, driven pneumatically or by other means, intended for use in foundries, on building sites, etc., and with, for example, butts or peens made of cast iron or rubber, used for ramming of casting sand or in stamping work.




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Document Number

ISO 28927-6:2009

Revision Level




Publication Date

Dec. 15, 2009

Committee Number

ISO/TC 118/SC 3