ISO-4689-3 › Iron ores - Determination of sulfur content - Part 3: Combustion/infrared method
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ISO 4689-3:2017 specifies a combustion/infrared method, using a high-frequency induction furnace, for the determination of the sulfur content of iron ores.
This method is applicable to sulfur contents between 0,002 % (mass fraction) and 0,25 % (mass fraction) in natural iron ores, iron ore concentrates and agglomerates, including sinter products. The method is not applicable to iron ores containing more than 1,0 % (mass fraction) of combined water. The apparatus, of which the metal filter is equipped with a heating device, can be applied to iron ores containing less than 3,0 % (mass fraction) of combined water.
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Document Number
ISO 4689-3:2017
Revision Level
Publication Date
March 1, 2017
Committee Number
ISO/TC 102/SC 2