ISO-4914 › Financial services - Unique product identifier (UPI)
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This document specifies the elements of an unambiguous scheme to identify over-the-counter (OTC) derivative products that are reportable to trade repositories, in particular:
. the structure and format of the unique product identifier (UPI) code;
. the minimum data elements of the UPI reference data library, together with their allowable values.
At a minimum, the UPI code is applicable to OTC derivative instruments falling under the following categories of the classification of financial instruments (see ISO 10962):
. swaps (S);
. forwards (J);
. non-listed and complex listed options (H);
. others (miscellaneous) (M).
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Document Number
ISO 4914:2021
Revision Level
Publication Date
Nov. 1, 2021
Committee Number
ISO/TC 68/SC 8