SIS-ISO/TR-13028 › Information and documentation - Implementation guidelines for digitisation of records (ISO/TR 13028:2010, IDT)
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This Technical Report: ? establishes guidelines for creating and maintaining records in digital format only, where the original paper, or other non-digital source record, has been copied by digitizing; ? establishes best practice guidelines for digitization to ensure the trustworthiness and reliability of records and enable consideration of disposal of the non-digital source records; ? establishes best practice guidelines for the trustworthiness of the digitized records which may impact on the legal admissibility and evidential weight of such records; ? establishes best practice guidelines for the accessibility of digitized records for as long as they are required; ? specifies strategies to assist in creating digitized records fit for long-term retention; ? establishes best practice guidelines for the management of non-digital source records following digitization. This Technical Report is applicable for use in the design and conduct of responsible digitization by all organizations undertaking digitization, either business process digitization or back capture digitization projects for records management purposes, as outlined in ISO 15489-1:2001 and ISO/TR 15801:2009. This Technical Report is not applicable to: a) capture and management of born-digital records; b) technical specifications for the digital capture of records; c) procedures for making decisions about records' eventual disposition; d) technical specifications for the long-term preservation of digital records; e) digitization of existing archival holdings for preservation purposes.
To find similar documents by classification:
01.140.20 (Information sciences Including documentation, librarianship and archive systems)
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Designation Name
SIS-ISO/TR 13028:2015
Revision Level
Publication Date
May 12, 2015
Page Count