SIS-ISO/TR-24156 Guidelines for using UML notation in terminology work (ISO/TR 24156:2008, IDT)

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This Technical Report gives guidelines for using a subset of the Unified Modeling Language, UML, to represent the results of terminological concept analysis. It describes how object modelling techniques can be used for this purpose. The representation of concepts and concept relations used in terminology work by corresponding entities in the UML is described. This Technical Report does not describe the UML and its general use in depth. These matters are covered in e.g. ISO/IEC 19501. This Technical Report does not describe the principles and methods of terminology work. This is covered in ISO 704.

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01.020 (Terminology (principles and coordination) Including terminography)

01.140.20 (Information sciences Including documentation, librarianship and archive systems)

35.020 (Information technology (IT) in general Including general aspects of IT equipment)

35.060 (Languages used in information technology)

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Designation Name

SIS-ISO/TR 24156:2009

Revision Level




Publication Date

April 7, 2009



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