SS-ISO-11620 › Information and documentation - Library performance indicators (ISO 11620:2014, IDT)
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ISO 11620:2014 is applicable to all types of libraries in all countries. However, not all performance indicators apply to all libraries. Limitations on the applicability of individual performance indicators are listed in the scope clause of the description of each indicator. Performance indicators can be used for comparison over time within the same library. Comparisons between libraries can also be made, but only with caution. Comparisons between libraries will need to take into account any differences in the constituencies of the libraries and library attributes, with a good understanding of the indicators used, limitations to comparisons, and careful interpretation of the data). ISO 11620:2014 offers accepted, tested, and publicly accessible (i.e. non-proprietary) methodologies and approaches to measuring a range of library service performance.
To find similar documents by classification:
01.140.20 (Information sciences Including documentation, librarianship and archive systems)
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Designation Name
SS-ISO 11620:2017
Revision Level
Publication Date
Feb. 7, 2017
Page Count
International Equivalent
ISO 11620(IDT)