ASTM-F1031 Historical Revision Information
Standard Practice for Training the Emergency Medical Technician (Basic)

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Standard Practice for Training the Emergency Medical Technician (Basic)


1.1 This practice covers a standard course for the training of the emergency medical technician (basic) which will prepare a person to perform those skills commonly required to render lifesaving aid at the scene of an emergency and during transportation to a definitive care facility.

1.2 It is not the intent of this practice to require that the curriculum be used exactly as presented, but only that the knowledge and skill objectives that are part of the curriculum be included in any course purporting to train the emergency medical technician (basic). It is not the intent of this practice to limit the addition of knowledge and skill objectives as required by local conditions.

Significance and Use

The purpose of this practice is to provide a standard means of providing Emergency Medical Technician (Basic) training. The practice should be used by all individuals and agencies that train such persons.

Successful completion of this course of training neither constitutes nor implies certification or licensure.

This practice adopts the knowledge and skill objectives contained in the DOT curriculum (latest version) as the standard practice for training those persons who provide emergency medical care at the basic life support level and are known as emergency medical technicians (basic). The actual lesson plans contained in the referenced document are recommended for use; however, each instructor may modify the order of presentation according to local needs.

This practice outlines a comprehensive course that covers most common emergencies encountered by the emergency medical technician. EMT-basic courses that do not include all of the knowledge and skill objectives of this practice may not be referred to as meeting this standard.


EMS; EMT; curriculum; ICS Number Code 11.160 (First aid)

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Document Number


Revision Level

2000 R12 EDITION



Modification Type


Publication Date

Aug. 15, 2012

Document Type


Page Count

2 pages

Committee Number
