ISO-14122-3 Historical Revision Information
Safety of machinery -- Permanent means of access to machinery -- Part 3: Stairs, stepladders and guard-rails

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This standard applies to all machinery (stationary and mobile) where fixed means of access are necessary.

This standard applies to stairs, step ladders and guard-rails which are a part of a machine.

This standard may also apply to stairs, step ladders and guard-rails to that part of the building where the machine is installed, providing the main function of that part of the building is to provide a means of access to the machine.

This standard applies also to stairs, step ladders and guard-rails specific to the machine which are not permanently fixed to the machine and which may be removed or moved to the side for some operations of the machine (e.g. changing tools in a large press).

For the significant hazards covered by this standard, see clause 4 of EN ISO 14122 -1.


To find similar documents by classification:

13.110 (Safety of machinery This group includes standards for general use)

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Document Number

ISO 14122-3:2001

Revision Level




Publication Date

May 15, 2001

Committee Number

ISO TC 199