ISO-15743 › Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Cold workplaces - Risk assessment and management
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ISO 15743:2008 presents a strategy and practical tools for assessing and managing cold risk in the workplace, and includes: models and methods for cold risk assessment and management; a checklist for identifying cold-related problems at work; a model, method and questionnaire intended for use by occupational health care professionals in identifying those individuals with symptoms that increase their cold sensitivity and, with the aid of such identification, offering optimal guidance and instructions for individual cold protection; guidelines on how to apply thermal standards and other validated scientific methods when assessing cold‑related risks; a practical example from cold work.
It is applicable to both indoor and outdoor work situations — indoor work includes work done inside vehicles, outdoor work both inland and offshore work — but is not applicable to diving situations or other types of work performed underwater.
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Document Number
ISO 15743:2008
Revision Level
Publication Date
July 1, 2008
Committee Number
ISO/TC 159/SC 5