ISO-17090-1 Historical Revision Information
Health informatics - Public key infrastructure - Part 1: Overview of digital certificate services

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ISO 17090-1:2013 defines the basic concepts underlying the use of digital certificates in healthcare and provides a scheme of interoperability requirements to establish a digital certificate-enabled secure communication of health information. It also identifies the major stakeholders who are communicating health-related information, as well as the main security services required for health communication where digital certificates may be required.

ISO 17090-1:2013 gives a brief introduction to public key cryptography and the basic components needed to deploy digital certificates in healthcare. It further introduces different types of digital certificates ? identity certificates and associated attribute certificates for relying parties, self-signed certification authority (CA) certificates, and CA hierarchies and bridging structures.


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Document Number

ISO 17090-1:2013

Revision Level




Publication Date

May 1, 2013

Committee Number

ISO/TC 215