ISO-24619 › Language resource management - Persistent identification and sustainable access (PISA)
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ISO 24619:2011 specifies requirements for the persistent identifier (PID) framework and for using PIDs as references and citations of language resources in documents as well as in language resources themselves. In this context, examples of language resources include such works as digital dictionaries, language-purposed terminological resources, machine-translation lexica, annotated multimedia/multimodal corpora, text corpora that have been annotated with, for example, morpho-syntactic information, and the like. Computational and applied linguists and information specialists create such resources.
ISO 24619:2011 also addresses issues of persistence and granularity of references to resources, first by requiring that persistent references be implemented by using a PID framework and further by imposing requirements on any PID frameworks used for this purpose.
PID frameworks also allow the association of general metadata with the identifier, which can also contain citation information. ISO 24619:2011 specifies minimum requirements for effective use of PIDs in language resources and cites the use of several possible existing standards and de-facto standards.
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Document Number
ISO 24619:2011
Revision Level
Publication Date
May 15, 2011
Committee Number
ISO/TC 37/SC 4