Document Center List of Standards on Applications Of Information Technology
ICS Code 35.240
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- 35.240.01 (Application of information technology in general)
- 35.240.10 (Computer-aided design (CAD))
- 35.240.15 (Identification cards and related devices Including application of cards for banking, trade, telecommunications, transport, etc.)
- 35.240.20 (IT applications in office work Including text processing systems, text communication, text presentation, Office Document Architecture (ODA), etc.)
- 35.240.30 (IT applications in information, documentation and publishing Including Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), automatic translation machines, etc.)
- 35.240.40 (IT applications in banking Including automatic banking facilities Identification cards for banking purposes, see 35.240.15)
- 35.240.50 (IT applications in industry Including design automation)
- 35.240.60 (IT applications in transport and trade Including EDIFACT and e-commerce)
- 35.240.63 (IT applications in trade Including EDIFACT and e-commerce)
- 35.240.67 (IT applications in building and construction industry Including building information modelling, Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES))
- 35.240.68 (IT applications in agriculture)
- 35.240.69 (IT applications in postal services)
- 35.240.70 (IT applications in science Including digital geographic information)
- 35.240.80 (IT applications in health care technology Including computer tomography)
- 35.240.90 (IT applications in education Including e-learning)
- 35.240.95 (Internet applications)
- 35.240.99 (IT applications in other fields Including e-learning)
The following documents are a part of this series:
- BS-30440 - Validation framework for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) within healthcare. Specification
- BS-EN-ISO-14505-2 - Ergonomics of the thermal environment. Evaluation of thermal environments in vehicles
- IEC-62265 - Advanced Library Format (Alf) Describing Integrated Circuit (Ic) Technology, Cells &
- IEC-62507-1 - Identification systems enabling unambiguous information interchange - Requirements - Part 1: Principles and methods
- IEC-62579 - Multimedia home server systems - Conceptual model for domain management
- ISO/IEC-22417 - Information technology - Internet of things (IoT) use cases
- ISO/IEC-24703 - Information technology - Participant Identifiers
- ISO/IEC-30172 - Internet of things (loT) - Digital twin - Use cases
Other SDOs:
- EN-62507-1 - Identification systems enabling unambiguous information interchange - Requirements - Part 1: Principles and methods
- SS-EN-1375 - Identification card system - Intersector integrated circuit(s) card additional formats - ID-000 card size and physical characteristics
- SS-EN-2570 - Aerospace series - Nickel-cadmium batteries - Technical specification
- SS-EN-2985 - Aerospace series - Nickel-cadmium batteries of format A type
- SS-EN-2986 - Aerospace series - Nickel-cadmium batteries of format B type
- SS-EN-2987 - Aerospace series - Nickel-cadmium batteries of format C type
- SS-EN-2988 - Aerospace series - Nickel-cadmium batteries of format D type
- SS-EN-2991 - Aerospace series - Nickel-cadmium batteries of format E type
- SS-EN-2993 - Aerospace series - Nickel-cadmium batteries of format F type
- SS-EN-742 - Identification card systems - Intersector ID-1 card location of contacts for cards and devices usedin Europe
- SS-EN-ISO-5828 - Resistance welding equipment - Secondary connecting cables with terminals connected to water-cooled lugs - Dimensions and characteristics (ISO 5828:2001)
- SS-EN-ISO/IEC-7816-4 - Information technology - Identification cards - Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts - Part 4:Interindustry commands for interchange (ISO/IEC 7816-4:1995)
- SS-ENV-1292 - Identification card systems - Integrated circuit(s) cards and interface devices - Additional test methods
- SS-ENV-1375-1 - Identification card systems - Intersector integrated circuit(s) card additional formats - Part 1: ID-000 card size and physical characteristics
- SS-ENV-ISO-14907-1 - Road Transport and Traffic Telematics (RTTT) - Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) - Test procedures for user and fixed equipment - Part 1: Description of test procedures (ISO/TR 14907-1:2000)
- SS-ETS-300106 - Terminal equipment (TE) - International Videotex Interworking between a terminal and a host
- SS-ETS-300149 - Terminal equipment (TE) - Videotex - Audio Syntax
- SS-ISO-11783-5 - Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Serial control and communications data network - Part 5: Network management (ISO PRF 11783-5, IDT)
- SS-ISO/IEC-8824-1-AM1 - Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation - Amendment 1: Rules of extensibility