ASTM-D2687 Standard Practices for Sampling Particulate Ion-Exchange Materials

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Standard Practices for Sampling Particulate Ion-Exchange Materials



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DESIG: D 2687 95 (Reapproved 2001) ^TITLE: Standard Practices for Sampling Particulate Ion-Exchange Materials ^SCOPE:

1.1 These practices cover procedures for obtaining representative samples of ion-exchange materials. The following practices are included:

Practice A-Sampling from a Single Package andMultiple Package Lots or Shipments 4 to 10
Practice B-Sampling from Fixed Bed Ion-ExchangeEquipment Having Unrestricted Head Room 11 to 15
Practice C-Sampling from Fixed Bed Ion-ExchangeEquipment Having Restricted Head Room 16 to 21

1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

Significance and Use

This practice will be used most frequently to sample materials as received from the manufacturer in the original shipping container and prior to any resin-conditioning procedure. Since certain ion-exchange materials are supplied by the manufacturer in the dry or free-flowing state whereas others are supplied moist, it is necessary to employ two different sampling devices. Therefore, this practice is divided into Sampling ProcedureDry or Free-Flowing Material, and Sampling ProcedureMoist Material.

Once the sample is obtained, it is necessary to protect the ion-exchange materials from changes. Samples should be placed in sealable, gasproof containers immediately.


ion exchange; moisture analysis-refractories; resins-ion exchange; sampling-water applications; sampling particulate ion-exchange materials, practice; ICS Number Code 71.100.40 (Surface active agents)

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71.100.40 (Surface active agents)

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Document Number


Revision Level

1995 R24 EDITION



Publication Date

April 24, 2024

Document Type


Page Count

8 pages

Committee Number
