SS-EN-12597 Bitumen and bituminous binders - Terminology

SS-EN-12597 - 2014 EDITION - CURRENT
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This European Standard defines terms for paving or industrial bitumen of various types and binders derived from bitumen. This European Standard is intended to cover materials only within the scope of CEN/TC 336, i.e. only bitumens and bituminous binders. It should consequently not extend to non-petroleum "hydrocarbon" binders such as coal tar and its derivatives or to natural asphalts. However, some definitions are given for some excluded materials and related terms. The corresponding terms were introduced only when they appeared in a definition of a product or process and when their definition was found necessary for understanding or for avoiding any ambiguity. The materials covered by this European Standard are shown in Figure 1. NOTE Figure 1 also shows a clear distinction between materials inside and outside the scope of CEN/TC 336.

To find similar documents by classification:

01.040.75 (Petroleum and related technologies (Vocabularies))

01.040.91 (Construction materials and building (Vocabularies))

75.140 (Waxes, bituminous materials and other petroleum products Asphalts for building, see 91.100.50 Asphalts for road construction, see 93.080.20)

91.100.50 (Binders. Sealing materials Including geomembranes, asphalts for buildings, etc.)

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Designation Name

SS-EN 12597:2014

Revision Level




Publication Date

May 25, 2014


German, English, French

Page Count


International Equivalent

EN 12597:2014(IDT)